
Thursday, 9 February 2012

Carey, Peter "Oscar and Lucinda"

Carey, Peter "Oscar and Lucinda" - 1988

Interesting story, set in one of my favourite centuries, the 19th, told in a vivid yet pleasant way, the life of people trying to fit into a life they had no idea about. Oscar, a young English clergyman, and Lucinda, a rich Australian girl form a "good house" could not come from more different backgrounds but find common ground quite easily. The novel is full of information about life during that time without being stereotypical. It has a lot of originality, is a pleasure to read.

Peter Carey is a gifted writer and I also enjoyed his non-fiction "True History of the Kelly Gang".

See more comments on my ThrowbackThursday post in 2025.

From the back cover:

"Oscar Hopkins is a high-strung preacher's kid with hydrophobia and noisy knees. Lucinda Leplastrier is a frizzy-haired heiress who impulsively buys a glass factory with the inheritance forced on her by a well-intentioned adviser. In the early parts of this lushly written book, author Peter Carey renders the seminal turning points in his protagonists' childhoods as exquisite 19th-century set pieces.

Young Oscar, denied the heavenly fruit of a Christmas pudding by his cruelly stern father, forever renounces his father's religion in favor of the Anglican Church. 'Dear God,' Oscar prays, 'if it be Thy will that Thy people eat pudding, smite him!'

Lucinda's childhood trauma involves a beautiful doll bought by her struggling mother with savings from the jam jar; in a misguided attempt to tame the doll's unruly curls, young Lucinda mutilates her treasure beyond repair.

Neither of these coming-of-age stories quite explains how the grownup
Oscar and Lucinda each develop a guilty passion for gambling. Oscar plays the horses while at school, and Lucinda, now an orphaned heiress, finds comfort in a game of cards with an odd collection of acquaintances.

When the two finally meet, on board a ship bound for New South Wales, they are bound by their affinity for risk, their loneliness, and their awkwardly blossoming (but unexpressed) mutual affection. Their final high-stakes folly - transporting a crystal palace of a church across (literally) godforsaken terrain - strains plausibility, and events turn ghastly as Oscar plays out his bid for Lucinda's heart.

Yet even the unconvincing plot turns are made up for by Carey's rich prose and the tale's unpredictable outcome. Although love proves to be the ultimate gamble for
Oscar and Lucinda, the story never strays too far from the terrible possibility that even the most thunderstruck lovers can remain isolated in parallel lives."

Peter Carey won the Booker Prize for "Oscar and Lucinda" in 1988.

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