
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Schlink, Bernhard "The Reader"

Schlink, Bernhard "The Reader" (German: Der Vorleser) - 1994

I read this with my former book club a couple of years ago. I have read other literature/novels on the Holocaust and I don't think this belongs to the better ones. It is interesting at some point but at some point it really starts to be boring, at least that was my impression. The description of the characters and their feelings just aren't described deep enough to get a good perspective other than on the facts itself. Maybe the reason that the author usually writes detective novels (which I don't like) adds to that.

I read this book in the original German.

From the book cover:

"A powerful and intense tale of secrets and a hidden past, The Reader is a thrilling book. As a 15-year-old boy in postwar Germany, Michael Berg had a passionate affair with a mysterious, guarded woman twice his age that ended suddenly when she disappeared. Years later, Michael sees her again -- when she is on trial for a terrible crime."


  1. I remember reading this novel shortly after it was published and its surrounding hype. I thought The Reader was a quick read, but I have read and enjoyed other books about the Holocaust more than this one.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth, Lisa. Yes, it was during the hype and some of our book club members even went to see the movie together which was a nice outing. But despite the Oscar and some great actors, it still didn't convince me. You are right, there are so many better books about the Holocaust. Thanks.
