
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Iyengar, B.K.S. "Light on Life"


Iyengar, B.K.S. "Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom" - 2005

This book was lent to me by a friend who loves yoga and thought it might be helpful for me. Well, if I have learned one thing from this book, it is that yoga is definitely not for me. I have followed classes decades ago and didn't like it much and I had just as much trouble following the thoughts of the author. I think I am too much of a modern person to find any sense in what the philosophy of yoga is telling me. Maybe I will chagne one day but I doubt that.

Nevertheless, the book is quite interesting. I have learned more about the thoughts and rules of Eastern philosophy and I appreciate that. But, as I said, it is not for me. In order to be successful with something like this, to really make it part of yourself, you have to believe in it. And I just don't.

Quotes I found interesting:
"When you have known pain, you will be compassionate. Shared joys cannot teach us this." and
"The power of science is the proof of our ability to project ourselves in space. But space without time is like muscle without brain."

From the back cover:

"‘As human beings, we all seek to reconcile the paradox of how to make our way upon the earth while striving for something more permanent and profound. So many seek this greater Truth in the heavens, but it lies much closer than the clouds. It is within us and can be found by anyone on the Inward Journey.’ B.K.S. Iyengar, whose teachings on yoga are followed throughout the world, reflects upon his lifetime’s experience (he is 89) on the yoga path. The structure of the book follows the different aspects of that path (from Freedom Awaits, through The Physical Body, The Energy Body, The Mental Body, The Intellectual Body, The Divine Body to Living in Freedom) and provides a learning framework for yoga as well as an invaluable discourse on life. A ‘must have’ for anyone who practises yoga or is interested in the teachings of the East.

B.K.S. Iyengar is a living legend and is considered to be one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. He has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 60 years. He has written many books on yogic practice and philosophy, and is best known for his books Light on Yoga , Light on Pranayama and Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Iyengar yoga centers are located throughout the world, and millions of students practice Iyengar Yoga.

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