
Friday, 17 April 2015

Book Quotes of the Week

"If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats." Richard Bach

"Bookshops are time machines, spaceships, story-makers, secret-keepers, dragon-tamers, dream catchers, fact finders & safe places." Jen Campbell

"I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense." Harold Kushner

"I read because one life isn’t enough, and in the page of a book I can be anybody." Richard Peck

"I'd rather write about this world than live in it and I'd rather play music all day and wander around bookstores and watch humans but not be one of them." N.N.

[If anyone can tell me the originator of this quote, I'd be very thankful and would happily include the name.]

Find more book quotes here.


  1. Nice post. Love the quotes.

    I also love your Wordle Word Cloud or is it from Tagxedo? I love both of those sites.

    Have a great week.


    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. There are so many quotes out there, I just have to share them. I always try to find the origin of them but sometimes that's so hard, so I always ask.

      Anyway, the word Cloud is from Tagxedo. And I love both those sites, too. So many great ideas.

      Hope you'll enjoy your week, too,
