
Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Greetings to my readers

Please, excuse my long silence.

As most of you know, my father passed away last year in July, my mother followed him this year in October. She missed my father terribly and had a lot of health issues but it was quite a shock for all of us. May she rest in peace.

I was just not able to write anything for my blog.

But I will be back, I promise.


  1. I'm soooo sorry, Marianne! That's very sad. I hope your memories of them both lift your spirit. I know exactly what you're going through as my dad passed away last September and my mom this July. No matter how old you are, or how far away your parents live, it's still difficult to lose them. I'm grateful for the great memories I can draw on.

    1. Those are my thoughts exactly. We have so many great memories of our parents, I share them with my brothers. They will carry on living in our hearts.

      I am very sorry that you are in the same position, losing both parents in such a short time is so hard, no matter how old we are, you are right there.

      Many hugs,
