
Friday, 29 April 2016

Book Quotes of the Week

"Never judge a book by its movie." J.W. Eagan

"Old or new, the only sign I always try to rid my books of (usually with little success) is the price-sticker that malignant booksellers attach to the backs. These evil white scabs rip off with difficulty, leaving leprous wounds and traces of slime to which adhere the dust and fluff of ages, making me wish for a special gummy hell to which the inventor of these stickers would be condemned." Alberto Manguel, The Library at Night

"When a new book is published, read an old one." Samuel Rogers

"Literacy arouses hopes, not only in society as a whole but also in the individual who is striving for fulfilment, happiness and personal benefit by learning how to read and write. Literacy... means far more than learning how to read and write... The aim is to transmit... knowledge and promote social participation." UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg, Germany 

"There are no such things as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written." Oscar Wilde

Find more book quotes here.


  1. Liked the first quote. The only movie I liked better than the book was The Godfather. The book was good, the movie was infinitely better.

    1. I have neither read that book nor watched the movie but I felt the same with "Chocolat" which I read with my book club and didn't really like it much. But the movie is quite good.

      Have a great week,

  2. Ha! I usually judge a movie by its book! And I like to read old books as much as I like to read new ones.

    1. So do I. I have dismissed quite a few movies because the book was so awful. I even wrote a blogpost about this topic: Can a movie ever be better than the book?.

      I like to read both old and new bookss but I am more often disappointed by a new one than an old one. I keep telling my friends that's not becasue they don't write good books anymore, it's just that the rubbish has not been sorted out, yet. ;)

      Have a good week, happy reading,
