
Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here

April 19: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)

Bryson, Bill - Any book he ever wrote
Busch, Wilhelm "Max and Moritz" (Max und Moritz) - 1865
Dahl, Roald "The Best of Roald Dahl" - 1978
Dickens, Charles "The Pickwick Papers" - 1836
Ephron, Nora "I Feel Bad About My Neck And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman" - 2006
Ionesco, Eugène ""Rhinoceros" (Rhinocéros) - 1957
Kerkeling, Hape "I'm off then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago" (Ich bin dann mal weg. Meine Reise auf dem Jakobsweg) - 2006
Kishon, Ephraim - anything
McCarthy, Pete "McCarthy’s Bar" - 2002
Rosendorfer, Herbert "Letters Back to Ancient China" (Briefe in die chinesische Vergangenheit) - 1983
Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi "The Time Regulation Institute" (Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü) - 1961

I have tried to add a few that were not English in the original to widen the choice. There are funny books written everywhere in the world.
If you are looking for more funny books, please, check out my label: Humour 


  1. Oh man Bill Bryson is funny. I like the way he writes his travel books - I often feel like I'm there with him.

    1. I love all of his books, the information about the English language I received from him is probably more than I ever heard elsewhere. ;) And his other non-fiction books. My favourte there would be At Home where he talks about everything relating to a home but adds history, geography, science, anything.

      I'm glad you agree, I always feel like I'm taking the trips with him, too.

      Have a good day,

  2. i love the diversity of this list! Great choices :) My TTT

    1. Thank you very much. I am a diverse person. ;) No, I love reading books from all the corner of the world and have come across humour everywhere, so I thought I'd share it with anyone who takes their time to read my blog. Thank you for stopping by. I saw your list yesterday but was too tired to comment there. Will do so now.

      Happy reading,

  3. Great variety! I definitely agree with Dahl! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.

    1. You are welcome. I always try to go to the two posts above and below mine, that way I get to see a huge choice of posts. I try to comment and manage most of the time.

      It is funny, Roald Dahl was a lot better known in Germany as an adult author than as a children's author. I didn't even know he had written children's books until I worked with an English girl in Brussels who used to work for him. LOL. But I love his stories. Very sarcastic, very dark humour, something I always enjoy.

      I raised my children mostly in England, so we did get to know all of his children's books in the end and they are just as fantastic. He jsut was a great author.

      Thanks for your input,

  4. You can never go wrong with Bill Bryson.

    1. Definitely not. I still haven't read all of his books but getting there. Just started "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid". Had quite a few laughs already. ;)

      Thanks for always being such a faithful commenter.

      Have a great day,

  5. I know of Bill Bryson, Roald Dahl and Max and Moritz. And how could I forget The Pickwick Papers? I like your list very much. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Aaawww, I'm glad you agree. And no problem, I love your blog, just don't get the chance to comment very often. Not your fault, entirely mine

      Have a happy weekend,

    2. And thanks for stopping by here, as well. Always lovely to talk about books.

  6. You're right, our list IS very different! I haven't read any of these, so I am going to have to look into a couple of them. I love books that make me laugh. :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. You're welcome. And thanks for coming back here.

      And having different lists isn't bad at all, gives us more to choose from. How boring the world would be if we all read the same books.

      Anyway, thanks again and talk to you soon,

  7. I have not read any of these, but I love the sound of that Roald Dahl book. I love him!

    1. As I just said to Deanna, the writer above you ^^, it would be boring if we all read the same books but it's lovely to find new ones through others.

      I hope you will like the Roald Dahl stories. As I said to Laurene ^^, his adult books are very dark but very funny.

      Happy weekend,
