
Friday, 10 February 2017

Book Quotes of the Week

"The time to read is any time: no apparatus, no appointment of time and place, is necessary. It is the only art which can be practised at any hour of the day or night, whenever the time and inclination comes, that is your time for reading; in joy or sorrow, health or illness." Holbrook Jackson

"I learned to write by reading the kind of books I wished I’d written." Barbara Kingsolver

"How vast an estate it is that we came into as the intellectual heirs of all the watchers and searchers and thinkers and singers of the generations that are dead! What a heritage of stored wealth! What perishing poverty of mind we should be left in without it!" J.N. Larned

"Education is the best gift you could ever receive, because once you have it, no one can ever take it from you." William Arthur Lewis

"Who shall silence all the airs and madrigals that whisper softness in chambers?" John Milton

Find more book quotes here.


  1. I like several of these but I chose the Milton for my favorite because in the book I finished last night there was a madrigal group who went around to console the survivors of an apocalypse! "Who shall silence all the airs and madrigals that whisper softness in chambers?"

    1. Thank you, Judy. My favourite this time is the one by William Arthur Lewis, I've been saying that myself for most of my life, maybe I read it earlier. ;) A close second is Holbrook jackson. I actually DO read everywhere.

      Happy Reading,
