
Thursday, 18 January 2018

My Favourite Books 2017

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Half of a Yellow Sun" (Die Hälfte der Sonne) - 2006
Bryson, Bill "Notes from a Big Country" (US: I'm a Stranger Here Myself/ Streiflichter aus Amerika: Die USA für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene) - 1999
Falcones, Ildefonso "Das Lied der Freiheit" (The Barefoot Queen/La Reina Descalza) - 2013
Hansen, Dörte "This House is Mine" (Altes Land) - 2015
Hislop, Victoria "Cartes Postales from Greece" - 2016
Ivey, Eowyn "To The Bright Edge of the World" (Das Leuchten am Rand der Welt) - 2016
Pamuk, Orhan "A Strangeness in my Mind" (Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık/Diese Fremdheit in mir) - 2014
Scott, Mary "Days that have been" (Das waren schöne Zeiten) - 1966
Taylor, Andrew "The Ashes of London" - 2016
Weigand, Sabine "Ich, Eleonore, Königin zweier Reiche" [I, Eleonore, Queen of Two Realms] - 2015
Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Katherine of Aragon. The True Queen" - 2015
Whitehead, Colson "Underground Railroad" - 2016

I have already published my list in my statistics here and my reading challenges wrap-up here but I like to have a link with just the favourite books that I can refer to.


  1. The only one I've read is the Bryson and remember liking it very much.

    1. You can never go wrong with Bill Bryson.

      Have a look at my other links, if you're interested, I'm sure there are a few that would interest you.

      Happy Reading,
