
Friday, 22 February 2019

Book Quotes of the Week

"The more I read the easier it is to express what I am thinking or feeling. Thanks to books, I have the words." Melanie *

"When I was young I felt there was a mystery contained in the fact that the word 'read' was two words - both past and present tenses. This time travel is one way we hold our life in our hands." Anne Michaels in "Fugitive Pieces"

"I don't like to be alone, but I do cherish the moment that I'm alone with a good book." Vin Scully

"I always read books twice. The first time you appreciate the story. The second time you appreciate the writing." N.N. *

Find more book quotes here.

* [If anyone can tell me the originator of these quotes, I'd be very thankful and would happily include the name.]


  1. Good ones. I like to be alone especially with a book. Whenever I read a book twice, not often because there are so many I still want to read, I also find I can take time to appreciate the writing.

    1. Same here. There are many books that I would love to read again but there are also so many that I have not read, yet. So many books, so little time ...
