
Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Happy May!

Happy May to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch

"Blütenpracht in der Boddenstraße von Groß Zicker"
"Splendid Blooms in the Bodden Street of Groß Zicker"

April was pretty mild over here but I've heard of other areas that couldn't say so. Well, let's hope that May will be nice everywhere. The beginning is already promising, lovely weather. In German, we call it the blissful or merry month (Wonnemonat). 

It's the most popular month for weddings. Nowadays, one of the reasons is probably because the weather is more consistent and it's less likely to rain or be too hot. I read somewhere that it was also a reason that there were flowers again so the bride could carry a bouquet - in order to mask the smell of body odour since people didn't take baths very often, if at all. 

The flower of the month is lily of the Valley which stands for happiness, humility, and sweetness, Other names for it are May bells (the translation of the official German word for it: Maiglöckchen), Our Lady's tears, and Mary's tears. I also like the French name: Muguet. Sounds so pretty. 

In French folklore, the lily of the valley wedding symbolizes the 13th wedding anniversary On May 1st, the lily of the valley is traditionally offered as a "lucky charm", a very popular tradition, in France, Switzerland, and Belgium. 

In the area of Germany where I come from, boys bring a "May tree" to their girlfriend, a birch decorated with strips of crèpe paper. In other areas, they bring a heart made from paper flowers. In many regions, the whole village puts up a May pole. 

Thus, May is a month of festivities. 

Enjoy it with this beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch.

You can find many more wonderful pictures on their website here.