
Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

July 16: Auto-Buy Authors

This is such a lovely theme. There are so many authors that I love and it was tough to cut them down to ten but I made it this time.

They are sort of different kind of authors but I think it shows where my interests go.

Bryson, Bill
Falcones, Ildefonso
Frazier, Charles
Hislop, Victoria
Kingsolver, Barbara
Lamb, Wally
Lawson, Mary
Oates, Joyce Carol


  1. I loved Wally Lamb's books back in the day. Really need to get caught up on the newer ones sometime.

    My TTT.

    1. Thank you so much, Lydia. I am sure you will enjoy his newer ones just as much, he is a great author. And if you enjoy him, you will probably also like Charles Frazier, Barbara Kingsolver, and Mary Lawson. Although, I can recommend all of them, of course.

      Happy Reading!

  2. I was tempted to add Bill Bryson to my list (while I have to yet really read a full book by him, my son has and I also know I will enjoy Bryson's writing). I have read and enjoyed a couple more authors on your list. The rest I am going to check out..

    1. Billy Bryson is one of my favourite authors, whether they are funny or not, I always enjoy his books.
      Thanks for visiting my blog, I will go and check out yours.

      Have a good week!

  3. Wally Lamb's book is one that gets recommended over and over.

    I need to get to Carlos Ruiz Zafon's series.

    1. Hi Marce. Maybe it's time you try one of his books. ;)

      Anyway, I absolut love Carlos Ruiz Zafón and have read all of his translated books. Usually can't wait for the next one to arrive, he hasn't written a new one for a while so I'm feeling withdrawal sympotms. ;)

      Thanks for visiting my blog.

      Happy Reading!

  4. A few of mine are Barbara Kingsolver, Ann Patchett, Sara Paretsky and Susan Choi.

    1. Interesting. As you might know, I love Barbara Kingsolver and have read a few books by Ann Patchett (The Patron Saint of Liars and The Magician's Assistant but have never read anything by Sara Partsky or Susan Choi. Will have to check them out!!!

      Have a great week!

  5. I am only familiar with Joyce Carol Oates. I'll have to check the others out. 👍✨

    1. Well, she probably is the most famous of those authors, at least in the States.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, will go and visit yours.

      Happy Reading!
