
Friday, 25 September 2020

Book Quotes of the Week

"A book may be compared to your neighbour; if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early." Henry Brooke
I never thought of that before but a good comparison. Luckily, I have great neighbours at the moment.

"The great American novel has not only already been written, it has already been rejected." Frank Dane
That's probably true for many great novels.

"I love the world of words, where life and literature connect." Denise J Hughes
So do I. And I guess so does anyone who reads this blog.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. No doubt Frank Dane is right, but I am drawn to great American novels. I have found many of them to be great!

    1. So have I, so many great books all over the world, of course there are some great American ones among them.
