
Friday, 4 December 2020

Book Quotes of the Week

I did it!
I did it!
Come and look
At what I’ve done!
I read a book!
When someone wrote it
Long ago
For me to read,
How did he know
That this was the book
I’d take from the shelf
And lie on the floor
And read by myself?
I really read it!
Just like that!
Word by word,
From first to last!
I’m sleeping with
This book in bed,
This first FIRST book
I’ve ever read!"
David L. Harrison
I often still have the feeling with any book I read, especially if it speaks to me and has been written a long, long time ago.

"He found solace in what he wrote. It was an attempt to discover who he was at the moment." Brian Krans, A Constant Suicide
And then we often find solace in what others wrote.

"It’s one of the greatest gifts that reading can give a person: easy access to peace inside, even when the world outside is in shambles." Jennifer Williamson
And one of the easiest gifts you can find.

Find more book quotes here.