
Friday, 29 January 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"A story is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, a jigsaw puzzle that would cover the whole floor of a room with its tiny pieces." Angelica Banks
And the good thing, you don't have to put it together yourself, it's already there for you to consume.

"The classics are the books of which we usually hear people say, 'I am rereading . . .' and never 'I am reading . . .'" Italo Calvino
Well, there are always new classics to discover, nobody will have read them all. Still, they are great books to reread.

"Every time a story is told, we are taken somewhere new, somewhere familiar yet strange, somewhere unsafe yet reassuring. A writer who can embrace these contradictions and offer a new way of looking at our time will always be sought after." Jonny Geller
I'm always excited to see where the next books takes me.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. About the jigsaw puzzle quote: It would be fun to decide how many pieces in any given book.

    1. I sometimes think it's not the amount of pieces that make a puzzle difficult but how alike the pieces are. So, I don't think we can say a book of a thousand pages has a thousand pieces. Sometimes I find them easier to read than the short ones.

  2. There are still a few classics I have not gotten to yet. At this rate I don't know if I will get to any of them.

    1. There are so many classics, I doubt any person can read them all. I've been reading classics for decades and there are still a lot I want to read.

      But I'm sure you'll get to read some. Maybe take place in the next classics spin?
