
Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Places In Books I’d Love to Live


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week's topic is: Places In Books I’d Love to Live

I lived in four different countries in my life but I've visited many. Most of them, I would happily visit again. Some of them, I didn't want to leave at all, stay forever.

Since Edward Rutherfurd has written some fantastic books about various of those places, I have mainly chosen his books to show the places I'd love to live.

Here are some of the places I loved and wouldn't have minded living (for longer):

Ireland - Dublin
My favourite place of all, it just feels like home. I've been to Ireland, both the country (or rather both countries) and its fantastic capital and it's so beautiful. And the people are the best in the world.

Joyce, James "Dubliners"
Rutherfurd, Edward "Dublin" (aka The Princes of Ireland)
- "Awakening"

I lived here for six years. The people were wonderful, the country beautiful, everything was great … until they decided to leave the EU. I still love the country but that's why it moved to #2 on my list.

Bryson, Bill "The Road to Little Dribbling"
Rutherfurd, Edward "Sarum"
- "The Forest"
- "London"

When visiting Israel in 1986, I absolutely loved everything about the country. If I'd been single, I would have stayed. I have read a lot about the situation in the meantime and even though I don't agree with their politics, I still would love to live there, at least for a while - if it weren't so hot in summer.

Of course, a situation as in "The Lemon Tree" would definitely be preferable and Jimmy Carter has a good plan on how this could be achieved.

LeBor, Adam "City of Oranges"
Tolan, Sandy "The Lemon Tree"
Carter, Jimmy "We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land"

And then there are two cities which I know well and would love to live in.

I have lived in Brussels and we have visited it several times every year since we left. Still one of my favourite cities in the world and my son is moving there tomorrow. So, there are more anticipated visits.

Menasse, Robert "The Capital" (German: Die Hauptstadt)
Sonneborn, Martin "Herr Sonneborn geht nach Brüssel - Abenteuer im Europaparlament" [Mr. Sonneborn goes to Brussels - Adventures in the European Parliament] (Goodreads)
(these two books are on my wishlist, therefore they don't count, right?)

I have a good friend who lives here and I've seen Paris with the eyes of a local. Its flair is unique.

Rutherfurd, Edward "Paris"

I'm excited to see where the other bloggers want to live.


  1. Dublin was on my list, too!

    1. I'm not surprised. Whoever knows Dublin just has to love it.

      Thanks for your visit, Lydia. See you on your page.

  2. I've never been to Dublin, but would love to go. I went to Brussels when I was a kid but I don't really remember it, so I'd like to go back. I'd also like to go back to Paris as I really enjoyed it the last time I went.
    My TTT:

    1. You would love it, Jo. And I guess, you can't really judge a town after a visit in childhood. I guess I'll be seeing it more often again in future (once this pandemic is over) since my son (who is about your age) is moving there this week. And yes, "Paris is always a good idea". (as mentioned by Audrey Hepburn in "Sabrina".

      Thanks for your visit and your link.

  3. Great! I have read The Princes of Ireland and plan to read the sequel soon, The Rebels of Ireland. I too have visited Ireland and while my husband and I were there, we seriously considered how we could possibly live there. Of course I want to read London, Paris and the new China by Rutherfurd. Somehow I will!

    1. If you like one book by Edward Rutherfurd, you'll love them all. I still have "New York" on my TBR pile and "China" on my wishlist. I'm sure the're just as great as all his other writings.

      Thanks for being such a great friend and always visiting my page, Judy.

    2. And I totally understand that you would have wanted to live there. It's so beautiful and people are exceptionally nice.

  4. I don't know that I would want to live in Ireland, but I would love to visit it.

    1. Thank you, Deanna. Well, you couldn't know whether you'd want to visit a place before you haven't seen it. So, it should defintiely be on your list of places to visit. Enjoy.

      Thanks for visiting.

  5. Ireland and England are both on my list today. I've got plane tickets to London in September, so fingers crossed! We'll also be visiting Paris during our trip. I've never been to Europe, so I'm excited. Lucky you to have lived in so many amazing places.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Oooooh, Susan, I so hope you'll be able to go. London and Paris, those are two fantastic destinations. I wish you all the luck in the world that this will take place.

      And yes, I consider myself extremely lucky that I could live in so many different places. And my kids, as well, it's great to have such a global community.

      Thanks, as always, for your visit.

  6. I really hope to visit Ireland one day. I just think I'd love it there. PAris as well.

    1. I hope you can visit both one day. I haven't met anyone, yet, who didn't love Ireland. Paris, well, there are some who don't like big and busy cities. But Ireland, no complaints heard so far.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

  7. England seems so cool.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. It is indeed. People are so lovely. We were made welcome by everyone and they were all out to help us as much as they could. And it's such a beautiful country.

      I hope you can go there one day.

      Thanks for your visit and leaving your link.

  8. Oh, I love seeing Ireland right at the top of your list. I've always wanted to visit. One day!

    1. Definitely on the top of my list. Always. Greatest country ever. I hope you get to see it one day.

      Thanks for your visit.
