
Friday, 9 April 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 

I am so lucky to have one.

"Real museums are places where Time is transformed into Space." Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence

Orhan Pamuk is one of my favourite authors. What he says here might not be a book quote but shows a wonderful approach to life.

"A book is a door, you know. Always and forever. A book is a door into another place and another heart and another world." Catherynne M. Valente

Very true. A book can lead you anywhere. This quote reminds me of one of my favourite Disney Movies, Monsters, Inc.

"In life, it's important to know when to stop arguing with people … and simply let them be wrong." N.N. *

Haha, yes, sometimes that's all you can do to keep a sane mind. But sometimes it's worth the fight.

Find more book quotes here.

* [If anyone can tell me the originator of this quote, I'd be very thankful and would happily include the name.]


  1. I agree with all of these. A book is for sure a door, a door I go through every few days!

    1. I think you walk in and out of them all the time.

      Happy Weekend!

  2. I am trying more and ore to just let people be wrong, because they refuse to listen to facts. But on the other there is also a quote I like that states something to the effect of not arguing to change that person's mind, but to show those who might be listening that there is a better way.

    1. So true, Sarah. As I said in my comment, sometimes it's worth the fight. Or just the fact to let them know that not everyone thinks the same way. However, if you have told them and they will not see anything differently, it's not worth your nerves. Someone deleted me on FB because I congratulated my American friends to their new president. She was, of course, of the opinion that the election had been rigged and that I wasn't to decide who their president was and "interfere" in your politics. LOL. You can't change people like that. Or the ones that don't "believe" in Corona. You know the type. You might as well preach to the walls.

      Anyway, have a nice Sunday.

    2. That thinking always makes me laugh - as if the US doesn't sway opinions in elections in other places. For example, I have plenty of opinions on Brexit that have been formed after lengthy conversations with friends who live in the UK. The entire world has the right to opinions on our most recent election, seeing as how if things had gone the other way, we all would have been screwed.

    3. Yeah, people don't understand. They think because they are not interested in our elections, we should't be in theirs. But, honestly, what does it matter who rules in the Netherlands, Belgium or even Germany or any other country in Europe to the States? But it's a huge difference what a US president can do to us. After all, doesn't he call himself the "leader of the free world"? If he's our leader and we are free, why can't we vote for him? 😉

    4. EXACTLY! Our policies and practices impact pretty much the entire world and it the international community has just as much right to an opinion as our own citizens. Especially when we like to tell other countries what to do, so...

    5. Well, Sarah, not everyone sees it like you. Some just like to stay in their own little bubble and rather not hear anything from the big bad world.

  3. That last quote is very funny :D I've never read Oran Pahmuk before but I'm really tempted. Would you happen to have a suggestion on where to start with him ?

    1. Thanks, Iza. Yes, it's funny and wise at the same time. LOL

      Well, my all-time favourite of Orhan Pamuk's books is My Name is Red. It's a little different from his other books but he describes life in Turkey in all of them, though a little disguised in this one.

      Check out my reviews and/or the descriptions. There is always a link in my posts to Goodreads (on the picture), so you can find what otehrs say, as well.

      Thanks for that comment. Have a good day.

    2. Duly noted, thank you for the tip ;)

    3. You're welcome, Iza. I should not it somewhere but I think the majority of my blogger friends knows it by now. LOL
