
Friday, 11 June 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"My father always says, 'Never trust anyone who has a TV bigger than their bookshelf.' So I make sure I read. Back at home, I just put up a massive bookcase and asked everyone I know and love to help me fill it with their favourite books. I'ts been quite nice because I've learned a lot about my friends and family from what they've been giving me. A book says a lot about a person." Emilia Clarke

I think that quote her father said might be from one of the Marx brothers but no matter who said it first, that person was definitely correct. 

"Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere." Mary Schmich

So very true. I've travelled the world with only a smidgen of the cost a flight to one location would have taken me.

"I wanted to read immediately. The only fear was that of books coming to an end." Eudora Welty

The true nightmare of every reader.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. I practically live in medieval England and it is wonderful. So much could go wrong with a time machine but it doesn't stop me from dreaming...

    1. Well, Sarah, at least we have the books to transport us to other times. Nothing can go wrong there!

    2. Exactly. I would love to visit, but I would absolutely die if I got stuck there.

    3. Yup. That's where the nightmare time-travelling stories start, right?
