
Friday, 30 July 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"What makes a good book? Simply put, a good book is one that you enjoy reading." Carmela Dutra

Totally right! I can recommend you my most beloved classic, for example, but if you're not into classics, you will think it's trash.

"Don’t buy books for your shelf, buy them for yourself." Saji Ijiyemi

That's one of the reasons why I buy paperbacks. They might not look as great on a shelf as a hardback but they are kinder to my hands, to my handbags (and hence my shoulder) and to my bank account. I once had a colleague who went to the bookshop and asked for the books with the best reputation. Not because she wanted to read them but because she wanted to look good when people came to visit. Bleurgh!

"The problem with books is that they end." Caroline Kepnes

And most of the times, that's the saddest part of them all.

Find more book quotes here


  1. I like "Don’t buy books for your shelf, buy them for yourself." I'll never understand why people use books as home decor, and never read them!

    1. Me either, Lectrice. I mean, most of us have more books than we will ever be able to read but we bought them with the good intention to read them, there just isn't enough time ... Sigh.

  2. All three quotes are wonderful this week. Especially the first one. I have DNF-ed plenty of books that were 'bestsellers', but were absolute trash!

    1. And that's fine, Sarah. We can't all like the same books though sometimes I do wonder why some books have made it onto the bestseller lists.

    2. It took me so long to feel like I could DNF books, because I am really competitive with myself and I always want to finish everything. But I eventually saw how much reading time was being wasted and decided I would DNF more regularly if I wasn't into something. Best reading-related decision I've ever made!

    3. I'm very much the same there. I don't like unfinished business. But I kept telling myself that I'm not doing anyone a favour by finishing books I don't like, even if everyone else raves about them. Thanks, Sarah.
