
Friday, 9 July 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know." Ernest Hemingway 

All I have to do? I think that might be the hardest task of all. But then again, my name isn't Hemingway.

"This backpack has a capacity of ten books." Mayersche Buchhandlung

I think that is a great way of describing how large any bag might be.

"If I'm going to bother to read a book I don't want it to end quickly. I don't binge. I like to sip." Jerry Seinfeld

Same here. That's why I usually read between four and six books at the same time. That way, I can read a lot but not finish a book in a day.

Find more book quotes here


  1. I have so many going because I am a mood reader - and reading is never a bother, Jerry Seinfeld!

    I also measures bags by how many books they hold. I am glad I'm not the only one.

    1. Nice one. I never watched Seinfeld but reading this I think I should have.

      Of course we have to measure bags by the amount of books they hold, even my normal handbag always has to be large enough for at least one big hardcover. LOL

      Thanks for your visit. Always nice to see other thoughts about the quotes.

  2. Ahhh Jerry is so right (love Jerry, he is so funny). I am total a sipper when it comes to good books. I am currently reading about 5 books but one of them I am enjoying so much that I am only reading a few pages at a time, I don't want it to end!! Kat

    1. I do that all the time. Sometimes I get asked why it takes me so long for some books, whether they are more difficult (well, I've had those) but often I just don't want to get to the end. Unless there is a sequel.

      May I ask which one is the book you enjoy so much?
