
Friday, 17 September 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

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"I like to write when I'm not supposed to be writing. Like, in a bathroom at a party, just hiding in there for half an hour. On the subway, or just walking around New York on my phone." Melissa Broder

I totally understand her. I have the best ideas when there is nothing to write on anywhere in my surroundings.

"We live for books." Umberto Eco

Definitely. I couldn't live without them. And I'm glad my husband supports me in this.

"I tell you these stories because these things happen to everyone. It’s not about being starched or polished or cute or polite. It’s about having ears that stick out, about breaking yet another glass. It’s about seeing something for the first time and making a million mistakes and not ever getting completely discouraged." Maira Kalman

Sometimes when I read something I think, oh yes, this sounds so familiar, happens all the time. Other times I think, I'm glad that doesn't happen to me.

Find more book quotes here


  1. I love quotes from books! When I have time, I try to do a Wednesday Wisdom post, but I haven't had time for that in ages...! It's normally all about quotes from books.

    Elza Reads

    1. Thanks, Elza, my quotes are usually about reading and books etc. though I do throw in quotes from books if they go with the subject of reading. I will have to see when you come up with a Wednesday Wisdom post next. Looking forward to it.

  2. Love the Eco quote. But then I'm a big fan of Umberto Eco. :)

  3. I've only read the one book by him, Lark. And that was his most famous one, of course, "The Name of the Rose". I do have "The Prague Cemetery" on my TBR pile, though, will have to move it up a little. Thanks.

  4. Eco is the best!
    By the way, The Prague Cemetery is very hard.
    I love this author. Have read Foucault's Pendulum, Numero Zero (, Chronicles of a Liquid Society (excellent collection of essays:, but alas I had to DNF The Prague Cemetery!

    1. Oh, thanks for those links, Emma. I will have to check out those books. I bought "The Prague Cemetery" when I saw it in a bookshop becaue I always wanted to read another book by him. Will have to see how I like it. I usually like hard books but there are a few that I didn't enjoy as much as I would have liked to. I definitely won't start it now before we have finished our Rushdie buddy read because I don't anticipate that to be an easy one. LOL

  5. I write that way too - and have tons of notes on my phone about plot ideas, characters who don't have a book yet but are so very real to me, and so on.

    1. I think we all do, Sarah, whether we intend to write a book or not. Just for this blog, I keep notes everywhere. And I often think about a comment for a book when I'm about to fall asleep in bed.

    2. I take tons of notes as I am reading, because I am so behind on reviews and at this point some of these books were read a year or so ago.

    3. Same here. I think I have almost blogged about all the books I ever read that are available in English. I have started writing German reviews (on my German blog) about the books that haven't been translated into English. That will keep me busy for another decade, I guess. LOL
