
Monday, 13 September 2021

Leaf, Munro "The Story of Ferdinand"

Leaf, Munro "The Story of Ferdinand" - 1936

The first time I heard of Ferdinand, the bull, was in a small little German book. Pixi books are 10x10 cm (3.94 inches) and always consist of 24 pages. They have always been cheap and were lovely little presents for kids. My boys loved them. They would have many classic stories but also some just written for that purpose.

Well, one of the stories they published was "The Story of Ferdinand" about Ferdinand, the bull, who was peaceful and rather sat in his pasture smelling flowers than going to a bullfight. It is a sweet story for children about peace.

I was reminded of this when I watched "The Blind Side", a wonderful story based on real life about a homeless boy who is taken in by a family and becomes a big sports star. They read the book and compare this boy to Ferdinand the Bull because he also wants peace. So cute.

In any case, it's a wonderful story for children, they all love it.

From the back cover:

"Ferdinand, the peaceful bull who loves to sit and smell flowers, is mistakenly carted off to a bullfight in Madrid, where he is believed to be the fiercest bull around. Ferdinand trots into the ring, only to sit and smell the flowers in the ladies' hair. No matter what the frustrated matador and his helpers do, they cannot get Ferdinand to fight. Lawson's memorable black-and-white pictures speak volumes in this childhood classic."


  1. When I was a small child ( long ago ) this was one of my favorite books. I oved how he would rather smell the flowers than fight.

    1. I didn't know the book when I was little because it is also a very long time ago, Tee (Mary, Flo, or Ro). I only got to read German books at the time. It might have been translated but I have certainly never seen it.

      Still, I got to enjoy it when I raised my two boys (adults now, so you can see I belong to the "more mature" generation, LOL).

      Thanks for your comment, I always love to meet new bloggers.

  2. I love this story. We had an old copy of it when I was growing up and I read it often. :)

    1. I'm sure I would have, as well, Lark. But, as I explained above ^^, I didn't know it back then. Still, I thought it was an important book that I have to tell other readers about.

      Thanks for your visit, always nice to hear from you.
