
Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Online Resources for Book Lovers


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week's topic is
Online Resources for Book Lovers
(what websites, podcasts, apps, etc. do you use that make your reading life better?)

I think we can all do with those great websites that tell us more about the books we read. Therefore, I really like this week's challenge. I will try to keep it as short as possible. All in alphabetical order.

Booklist Online
Freely accessible book lists.

Fantastic Fiction
Bibliographies of bestselling fiction authors, with the latest books and series information.

Goodreads is a subsidiary of Amazon with a database of books where anyone can search. As a user, you can register books to generate your reading list and share with your friends. Find my profile here.

Google Books
Find an index of full-text books.

Similar to Goodreads, a home for your books with information by other readers.

Oprah’s Book Club 
I've been following Oprah's list for decades. She always selects very interesting books and you can learn a lot from the discussions. Here is my list.

Project Gutenberg
Unfortunately, due to some copyright issues, the Gutenberg Project is blocked in Germany but I used it a lot when I still lived abroad. They can't decide when a book is free for public reading. I wish they would at least let us use those that the Germans think are free.

are very helpful study guides but it can also be useful for us book bloggers.

What should I read next?
Enter a book you like and the site will recommend what to read next.

The large free encyclopedia. It doesn't just give you information on any book or author you might be interested in, you can also use it to search for the titles in other languages.

Then there are two online bookshops where I like to order (especially used) books.
World of Books

However, in addition to these, there are more that might be helpful to some of you.
Electric Literature 
Free Book Notes 
Literary Hub

Midwest Book Review
My Shelf

Read Print
WayBack Machine

Do you have any favourite internet pages that you use regularly? I'm looking forward to many suggestions on your page or mine.


  1. Thanks for the used books website recommendation. In turn, I'd like to recommend

    1. Thanks, Stefani, I think I've seen that before. I'll definitely add it to my list.

    2. Which one is the used books website? Can you buy books from there?

    3. Booklooker and World of Books are the two I use most often, Lisbeth.

  2. OMG, so many cool resources, thanks. I have so many tabs open now, because I clicked on lot of your links, lol.
    Let me know if there's any book you would like, and I can find it for you

    1. Thanks, Emma, that is so kind. At the moment, Covid doesn't help, though. But it still is lovely to know.

    2. Oh, and I always have tons of tabs open. Hubby and sons always roll their eyes when they see my laptop. LOL

  3. I didn't know about What Should I Read Next, but it probably could have saved me a lot of time trying to decide which book to read next haha :)

    1. Haha, Lindsey. Well, sometimes it works well, at other times I think, nah, what are you saying? LOL. But it is a good help if you look for something specific.

  4. I will have to check out "What should I read next?". I don't think I've heard about this website before.

    1. It's definitely interesting, Lisa. As I said to Lindsey ^^, it doesn't allways work perfectly but has given me many good ideas.

  5. I couldn't figure out what to do for this week's TTT, but I love your list. Goodreads is one I'm on all the time. And I'm excited to check out What Should I Read Next. :)

    1. I think we all use Goodreads, don't know how I'd manage the blog without it, Lark. Thanks for loving my list. And yes, the topics don't always "speak" to us. I hope you found a good alternative. Or did you take a break, that's also alright, we don't get paid for this. LOL

      Hope you like "What Should I read Next" and find something interesting. See my comments above ^^

  6. What a great list!

    My post—

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thanks, Lori, I think we bloggers can all come up with tons of links that we use all the time.

  7. Fantastic list - hope you have found SparkNotes on Twitter, for fun silly literary tweets every so often! Great fun!
    This is my list:

    1. Thanks, Michael. I'm not on Twitter but hubby is, so I'll have to ask him.

      And thanks for leaving your link. You turn up as "Unknown" for some weird reason, this way I know where to find you and can visit your post.

  8. A great list!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thanks, Pam, I love lists and links to websites, so a great combination.

  9. I've never tried LibraryThing but I like Goodreads. Unfortunately I never seem to make time to go there and update my shelves or whatnot. I really need to get over there... ;

    1. I don't update my library on LibraryThing, Greg, I think Goodreads is enough in addition to my blog but sometimes I find stuff on there that is not on Goodreads, especially if it's not American. I usually add new books on Goodreads when I've finished another five.

  10. I LOVE Fantastic Fiction! I use it all the time. It's especially helpful for keeping track of where I am in series. I use it at the library a lot when I can't remember which book comes next.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Oh, great, Susan. I don't even remember when I found it but it was at the beginning of my book club, so must be about twenty years ago. And, same as you, I find it extremely helpful for series and what an author has written in addition to what I like. Wikipedia is always a hit and miss there.

  11. You've listed a ton of good resources. Thanks for sharing them with us!

    1. You're welcome, Deanna. I thought this was a great opportunity to do this. We all have those sites that we like and that others would benefit from just as much as we do.

  12. Sparknotes really takes me back to my school days 😂 I've been seeing a lot of mentions for Project Gutenberg and it has really piqued my interest. I wonder if it'll even be accessible or me though but will defo check it out anyway. Great list!

    1. You should be able to get Project Gutenberg, as far as I know, it's only blocked in Germany because they have some books on there that are still not open for public reading. 🙄
      I hope you can access it and find many great books there.

      I never had Sparknotes during my school days for many reason, one being that I'm so old, there was no internet. LOL But I'm glad I bring back memories for you. Good ones, I hope.

  13. Great list, quite a few are new to me! Here is my list:

    1. Thanks, Cindy, I think that is the best part of this challenge, we all find some new sites for our resources. And thanks for your link.

  14. I had forgotten all about Project Gutenberg. That's a great site.

    1. Oh, nice that I could remind you of it, Suzanne. It really is a good site which I used from time to time when I couldn't get a classic book quickly enough for a read with others. Unfortunately, I can't do that any more but I found there are some other sites available, not as good and not with so many books but I don't need many since I don't read much online.

  15. Quite a list. I will save it. I can add The Story Graph which I ran into recently via a youtube book vlogger. I have not checked it up in detail, but it is supposed to be easier to use than others and it will give you recommendation out of what your are reading.

    1. That sounds interesting, Lisbeth. I will have to check it out. Thank you.

  16. Love this! So many great places for us to frequent.

    1. True, Sarah. And many others have posted even more. I can't get through them as fast as I would like to.

    2. Same here. I have looked at so many lists, I had no idea all of them existed.

    3. That's the beauty of blogging.
