
Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Happy December!

Happy December to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch

"Der Weihnachtsmann Express"
"The Santa Claus Express"

The year comes to an end and a lot of countries celebrate him with Santa Claus. Isn't Frank's painting of the steam train great? I used to go to school with such an engine.

We all know that Santa Claus comes from Saint Nicholas of Myra, a Turkish bishop. He was known to be generous and there are several tales around his figure which are well known all around the world, so I won't bore you with that. His name day is on 6
th of December and this is celebrated in many countries.

In Germany, St. Nikolaus comes on the evening of the 6
th into the houses of the people, he brings his faithful servant Knecht Ruprecht (farmhand Ruprecht) and an angel to distribute presents to the children. When I was little, that would be oranges and nuts, some biscutis, often a chocolate St. Nikolaus. Today, children want more, they get presents, toys etc. even though they still get their main presents on Christmas Eve.

In the Netherlands, Sinterklaas comes on the evening of the 5
th of December to bring the presents (they don't get them at Christmas but actually on this day which is also called pakjesavoond, the evening of the little parcels). He is supposed to have come by boat from Spain.

Christmas is also celebrated slightly different. As I mentioned above, they didn't use to bring presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day in the Netherlands but that has changed in the last decades.

In Germany, we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. When I was little, we used to go to church in the afternoon (children's mass) and when we came home, the Christmas tree was up as well as the Nativity scene and also the presents were there by some miracle.

Nowadays, a lot of people decorate their houses at the beginning of advent but not everyone. Of course, we used to have natural trees and still wanted all the needles on them at Christmas. Even now, a lot of people prefer natural ones, so that might be part of the reason why we still hang on to the tradition. For me, it's weird to have the tree up before Christmas Eve.

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The Low German name for October is "Christmaond", the English translation is "Christ Moon", a good description. The month is usually cold, foggy and windy. But I love it. The heat of the summer is definitely over and I can breathe.

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Weather lore (or farmers' rule) for December

Auf kalten Dezember mit tüchtigem Schnee folgt fruchtbar Jahr mit reichlich Klee.
Cold December with heavy snow is followed by a fertile year with plenty of clover.

Dezember mild, mit vielem Regen, ist für die Saat kein großer Segen.
December mild, with a lot of rain, is not a great blessing for the seeds.

Aufs Wetter gib wohl acht von Christtag bis Dreikönigsnacht, es zeigt dir, was das Jahr dann wacht.
Pay attention to the weather from Christmas Day to Epiphany, it will show you what the year will be awake.

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Our November was pretty busy but we had a lovely weekend with our son in Brussels, despite all the restrictions. At least we could go without any quarantine and all that stuff.

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Have a happy December with this beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch.

You can find many more wonderful pictures on their website here.

You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about them.


  1. It is nice with traditions. Christmas is really the only big holiday that I celebrate, and I love it. Due to the terrible, dark and rainy weather, I put up the Christmas tree on 1st of advent, and the Christmas things. I don't have a lot so you have to look for them. I have done that the last 2 years and enjoy the lights in the darkness. We also celebrate on Christmas Eve. My family will come and Hannes will be home, so I am looking forward to the holiday.

    1. We usually decorate our house with lots of little things and I always thought we were quite normal. Last year, my brother mentioned that he and his colleagues had exchanged Christmas greetings with pictures of their trees and nativity scenes with their colleagues of their Austrian partner company and they had said they didn't dare to post their pictures because those from our area because we all did "so much". And my son mentioned that some of his Swedish friends had said we must be "Chrstmas crazy". So maybe not so normal.

      And I guess I understand when you mention the dark, it was the only thing my son didn't like in Sweden, otherwise he really, really loved it.

      We hope our kids will be home but with the current numbers going up everywhere, who knows what will be.

      I wish you a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Happy December! And I love this post! So interesting and fun. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark. I have tried to tell something about Germany in every month this year. Must see what I can come up with next year.

      Happy Christmas.

  3. Happy December! It seems like most Americans start decorating for Christmas at the end of November/beginning of December. A lot of the houses in my neighborhood (including mine) have lights up outside and Christmas trees in the windows. We like enjoying our decorations all month long :)

    1. You know what we call those people who put of their decorations that early, Susan? The Griswolds. LOL. Well, there are people around who do that but not many. People have started putting a star in a window or a little tree in front of the house. That's already more than we used to do. Advent is the time for the advent calendar and the advent wreath here.

      Would love to see your house. Maybe you can send me a picture by e-mail. Please?

    2. Right now, my house looks like Christmas threw up all over it! Ha ha. I have all of my Christmas decoration boxes out but so far only the Christmas tree (with lights but no ornaments) and the outside lights have been put up. I'm working on the rest. I'll email you pictures when the inside is done!

    3. Oh, I'm looking forward to that, Susan. I'm happy to send you some pictures from our house, as well, but don't expect American greatness. LOL
