
Friday, 18 February 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"A classic is something that persists as a background noise even when the most incompatible momentary concerns are in control of the situation." Italo Calvino, Why Read the Classics

I think, Italo Calvino has made so many great remarks in his book, they all speak for reading classic books.

"I wanted to lose myself in happy memories, to be inhabited by gentle novels, to live deep inside books." Gaël Faye

The best place of them all.

"Nothing speaks to us as forcefully as a book."
Herta Müller

True, the can give us so much insight into everything and we can really concentrate on the one thing they want to tell us.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. I love living "deep inside" books! It's just nice to be transported away from real life, especially when reality is stressful, scary, and frustrating. At least you can be reasonably certain you'll get a fictional happy ending :)

    1. And another "spam". How does blogger not know that we know each other?

      I also love living in my books if the real world is too awful. However, I don't even need a happy ending there. Sometimes, a happy ending tells me more about my own unhappiness and makes me sad again.

  2. I love that Gael Faye quote! It's one I wrote down in my notebook when I was reading his book a few years ago. :)

    1. That's the only author on this list that I haven't read. I had actually never heard of him before. But the sentence speaks to me, so I might have to try him.

    2. Small Country is the book I read by Faye, and I absolutely loved it.

    3. Thanks, Lark. I think that is the only one he wrote because it's a sort of biography. But the topic sounds interesting.
