
Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Happy February!

Happy Februar to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch

"Sonnenbad im Winter"
"Sunbathing in Winter"

My calendar greets me every day with a beautiful picture by either Hanka or Frank Koebsch, two great German painters. This month, it is a picture of the Great Tit (Parus major). We have many of them in our garden, they have been around all my life and I am rather fond of them. The German word for them is "Meise" and if you tell someone "they have a Meise", it means they are not right in their head (like "you have a screw loose" although we also have that saying).

Which is rather unfair because, apparently, after crows, jays and parrots, they are the most intelligent birds around. But the idea behind the saying is that you have a bird nesting in your head so you can't think properly yourself. And Hanka portrays this one beautifully, don't you think.

As I just said, we also have the expression "you might have a screw loose" but we also have other expressions if we want to say someone or often someone's opinion or behaviour is a bit odd. "You don't have all cups in the cupboard" is frequently used. Here are some others: "Having a crack in the bowl", "having a wheel off", also "forsaken by all the Gods".

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How did I get to that subject? Oh, yes, the birds. But I also had to think about it because they always select the "non-word of the year" in Germany and it has just been decided that the one for last year is "pushback". It sounds harmless for English speakers but it has been used as that word in German for pushing back refugees at the borders. Since the word creates a false impression of what actually happens to the people, it has been chosen This is exactly why the word was chosen as the non-word of the year 2021.

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Enjoy the picture while enjoying the next month. And, even more important: Stay healthy.

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Have a happy February with this beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch.

You can find many more wonderful pictures on their website here.

You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about them.


  1. Happy February to you! I hope it will be a good month. I have already started rather well, done two small decorating projects at home, so rather pleased. When I have reviewed a few more books, I will be even more pleased.

    1. That's fantastic, Lisbeth. Let's hope the rest of the year will go as well for you. Here's to a happy February.
