
Sunday, 27 February 2022

☮ Stand with the Ukraine ☮

I hardly ever blog on a Sunday but I think today it is necessary to send out a message into the void.

I saw this on a friend's page on Instagram who mentioned that Vicki from the antipodeanbookclub instigated this. For every yellow & blue stack which is labelled #solidaritystack Vicki will donate $2 to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) in New Zealand up to the value of $150 for their work in the Ukraine.

Not just because of that but just because I want to express my support for the Ukraine and the Ukranians, I thought I will copy the idea and post my stack here. Don't worry about any of the books, there is no message in which ones I chose, it was just the colours of the spines that I needed.

Obviously, this is not a political blog and I'm not going to start writing too much about politics unless it is connected to a book I read but I know everyone knows my opinion. The main goal of everyone should be PEACE. I hope I will see many more yellow and blue stacks of books.

to 🇺🇦  to 🌍


  1. Nice! I had thought/hoped/expected that Europe had outgrown war. Apparently not. A real shame.

    1. True, Kitten, one would have thought we are better educated nowadays but it looks like that doesn't count for everyone.

      Let's hope this nightmare is over soon.

  2. So many people around the world are standing with gives me hope. But my heart breaks for the people there.

    1. Same here, Lark. I admire the people in countries where they get punished for protesting. It's easy for us saying we condemn it, write something on social media, mention it to our friends or going on the street, but for the people in Russia, it can cost their lives and still they protest. Should give someone food for thought.

  3. Terrible events. I think no one could even imagine it would happen. It is good to see how most countries and peoples are standing with Ukraine.

    1. So, true, Lisbeth. We have always said, no idea what he is going to be up to one day and we still don't know how far he might go but yes, the reactions are good. I think he never imagined this would happen, probably thought this would be over in a day or two and then he would start with the next country that left the Soviet Union decades ago. Like so many delusional dictators before him, he was wrong there.
