
Friday, 4 March 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"You do not let your words stunt unknown possibilities." Elizabeth Acevedo "Clap When You Land"

We shouldn't but how often does it really happen?

"I am well in body although considerable rumpled up in spirit." L.M. Montgomery,
Anne of Green Gables 

I think a lot of people can subscribe to that after two years of Pandemic.

"The habit of reading is the only one I know in which there is no alloy. It lasts when all other pleasures fade." Anthony Trollope

Amen to that, Mr. Trollope. As long as our eyes don't desert us, we can do anything through reading.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. I love that top quote about not letting words stunt possibilities. :) Words do have a lot of power, don't they?

    1. The pen is mightier than the sword, don't they always say that, Lark? It's tough not to get hurt by words.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sarah, I had never heard of the book or the author, so another one to look up.
