
Friday, 11 March 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"This is the only perfection there is. The perfection of helping others. This is the only thing we can do that has any lasting value or meaning. This is why we’re here, to make each other feel safe." Andre Agassi, Open

I always think it's amazing when people like Andre Agassi have so much compassion. So, there is no excuse for rich people not to think about others.

"Healing isn’t about recovery, it’s about discovery. Discovering hope in hopelessness, discovering an answer when there doesn’t seem to be one, discovering that it’s not what happens that matters - it’s what you do with it." Dr. Edith Eva Eger,
The Choice: Embrace the Possible

Wise words, not always easy to follow but certainly true.

"In your dark night, I urge you to hold to your faith, to embrace hope, and to bear your love before you like a burning candle, for I promise it will light your way." William Kent Krueger,
Ordinary Grace

I found all these quotes two weeks or so ago and thought, they are very pandemic appropriate. Then Ukraine happened and I think it is even more appropriate to war. Let's think about our neighbours, our friends, but also about anyone in danger, we are all brothers and sisters.

Find more book quotes here.


  1. I love that Andre Agassi quote! :D He was always one of my favorite tennis players back in the day.
