
Friday, 27 May 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"For as long as she could remember, she had thought that autumn air went well with books, that the two both somehow belonged with blankets, comfortable armchairs, and big cups of coffee or tea." Katarina Bivald, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

Anything goes well with books. No discussion necessary. 

"That's how it is with books, isn't it: They're not in a hurry. They’ll wait for you till you're ready." Charles Bukowski

That's a very consoling thought when I look at my TBR pile.

"The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination is boundless." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Isn't that fantastic?

Find more book quotes here


  1. LOL - I do hope my books have LOTS of patience!

    Really Nice Rousseau quote. We studied him when I did my Masters. Not a particularly nice person in some respects - particularly regarding his children - but had some very interesting ideas.

    1. Well, Kitten, I guess they have to be as patient as they can be with any of us. LOL.

      He did have some very interesting thoughts indeed, but I always wonder when I hear that someone hasn't been a nice person, do I really still want to admire them?

      Anyway, what did you study?

    2. I studied a Master of Arts (MA) in History of Philosophy.

    3. Fantastic. I would have love to study but my parents didn't have the money.

    4. I was lucky with my first degree - Social Ethics BA(Hons) - in that I received a full grant because my parents definitely couldn't send me to University! I did both of my Masters degrees part-time whilst @ work so could afford them myself. Again luckily this was before the fees went UP, UP, UP after the prices were deregulated plus (even luckier) I had a small lottery win with paid for one year's tuition of my first MA in Religious Studies.

    5. Lucky indeed. I had to leave school after my middle school degree which is an entry for an apprenticeship. I was the eldest of four kids and had to earn money. And it wasn't even possible back then to do any degrees part time. I finished my "high school degree" later but that was far too late to start a study, again, not possible back then if you didn't go to university full time and I already had a child and was working, so no way. Well, I still made it in my profession and probably earned more money than most of the kids I went to school with and went to university but I would have loved to go there myself.

  2. Books, like a wise parent, do seem to wait for us to come to them.

    1. And they find us in the long run, don't you think, Deb? We just have to accept them.

  3. The Bivald quote is great. But then I loved that entire book. :D

    1. She certainly knows a lot about reading. I first thought the book a little too chick-litty. But it's a book about books, so I won't get too picky. Have a great Sunday, Lark.
