
Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books I Still Haven't Read


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week, our topic is Books I Was SO EXCITED to Get, but Still Haven’t Read (bonus points if you tell us how long it’s been since you got them!)

There are many books on my TBR pile. And many have been on there for a long time. Some have been pushed aside because the author published a new book, others because similar subjects came up all the time, sometimes a book is not there to read but to leaf through.

I have only one excuse: Too many books, too little time.

I got the following books in the following years. So, where do I redeem my bonus points? 😉

Allende, Isabel "City of the Beasts" (Spanish: La ciudad de las bestias) (Memories of the Eagle and the Jaguar #1) - 2002 

Dallek, Robert "An Unfinished Life - John F. Kennedy 1917-1963" - 2003 - Goodreads

Le Faye, Deirdre "Jane Austen, The World of Her Novels" - 2002 

Walker, Alice "Now is the Time to Open your Heart" - 2004 - Goodreads

Ghosh, Amitav "The Hungry Tide" - 2004 - Goodreads

Delaney, Frank "Ireland" - 2004 - Goodreads

Tobin, Jacquelin L. and Dobard, Raymond G. "Hidden in Plain View" - 1999 - Goodreads

Mehta, Suketu "Maximum City. Bombay Lost and Found" - 2004 -

Jacq, Christian "Ramses - Son of the Light I" Ramsès, tome 1: (French: Le Fils de la Lumière) - 1995 - Goodreads

Danielewski, Mark Z. "House of Leaves" - 2000 - Goodreads

Now I'm curious how long other readers have had their books on their TBR piles.

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. It's almost unheard of for me to read a book as soon as I buy it. It does happen but its very rare. Normally at least a few months will pass, often at least a year or two. All too often it might be a decade before I get around to reading something. I'm sure that I still have quite a few unread books that I acquired 30 years ago - or longer! As you say, too many books and nowhere near enough time..

    1. I think you might have beat me there, Kitten. I know I read all the books I bought 30 years ago because it weren't that many, I just didn't have the money. But lateley, I just don't get around reading all the books I have, I doubt I will ever finish them.

    2. Years ago, when I worked in London, one of the guys there was clearing his shelves to make room for new books so he offered me a carrier bag full - maybe 20 books - about once a month in exchange for a jar of coffee. I picked up a lot of older SF that way that I'm still working through decades later! Definitely a good deal for me!

    3. Even though I'm not really into science fiction, I definitely would have made that deal, as well, Kitten. Always a good way to get new books.

  2. Wow, you’ve had these books on your TBR for a long time!

    1. Thanks, Lydia, the trouble is, the older you get, the more you hear about great books you want to read.

  3. Wow. You've got books from 2007! I crown you as A Real Reader.

    1. Mmmmh, Deb, wouldn't the Real Reader have read them by now? LOL

    2. Hehe, I guess you are right after all.

  4. I’ve heard good things about Ireland.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, Astilbe. I absolutely love Ireland and have enjoyed everything I have read about it, and yes, I also heard good things about the book. Must read it soon!

  5. Too many books, too little time is SO right! House of Leaves is one that I've been waffling about keeping on my TBR so I haven't bought the book yet. Every time I think maybe it's not for me, I see someone talk about it and get intrigued all over again (lol). I hope you enjoy all these books whenever you get to them!

    1. Thanks, Dini. I guess I will have to push up "House of Leaves" on my TBR pile so I can report about it. And I am sure I will like most of the books on that list.

  6. I love that you can remember when you got these books! I wasn't active on Goodreads in the early 2000's or I might have better track of my books. I wish I was because I have always been an avid reader and I think how great my shelves would look, LOL. I hope you do enjoy these when you get to them.

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I have always kept lists, that's why I still know when I bought them. Doesn't make me a better reader. I read a lot and I read fast but I have also bought a lot of books for myself since my children left home, more than I will ever be able to read.

  7. This is such a problem for me lately. The books are piling up!

    1. I know the feeling, Greg. I just have bad news for you, the older you get, the taller the TBR pile will be ...

  8. These only go back twelve or fifteen years. That's not bad, right? ;D

  9. "Too many books, too little time" is always my excuse! There are just SOOO many I want to get to. Some, naturally, have to be pushed aside, at least temporarily. I did get rid of a lot of books I probably won't ever read, so my collection is a *little* more under control now. Ha ha.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Haha, Susan, until the next shopping spree, right?

  10. Wow, books from 2004? I'm surprised you remember books you bought from that far back, I can only remember up to whatever I've got on my Goodreads, though I'm sure I probably do have books from further back than what I've got on there!
    My TTT:

    1. Well, remember is too nice a word. I keep lists. LOL
      Thanks for your link, Jo.

  11. I also tend to buy books I want to read and then they end up on the shelves for years. But, at least, you know they are there and one day you grab one.

    1. So true, Lisbeth. Like good old friends.
