
Friday, 3 June 2022

Book Quotes


"Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card." Marc Brown, Arthur the Aardvark

Arthur was one of my son's favourite characters and I totally understood why. He is right here as in so many other cases.

"I'd rather carry a two pound book and not read it instead of being caught somewhere with no book to read." Helen Ellis

I think Hellen Ellis might be a long lost twin. LOL Although, I must admit, I usually take one of my smaller books around, less to carry and easier to pack in the 

"We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." Jonathan Swift

Such a true statement and, unfortunately, as valid today as it was during Swift's time.

Find more book quotes here


  1. "We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." Jonathan Swift

    This quote makes me sad. It's true.

    1. So sad, Deb. And angry at the same time. People should know better by now, don't you agree?

  2. I do hate getting caught without a book when I end up having to wait somewhere! And that top quote totally made me smile. :)

    1. Same here, Lark. Hasn't happened to me for quite a long time, I usually make sure not to leave the house without a book.

      And yes, the top quote is great. Arthur the Aardvark was a big favourite in our house.
