
Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Spell the Month in Books ~ June 2022


I found this on one of the blogs I follow, Books are the New Black who found it at One Book More. It was originally created by Reviews from the Stacks, and the idea is to spell the month using the first letter of book titles.


Jonathan - Uncle - Night - East. How would it be if we spelled out words not according to one of the official alphabets but with books? Anyway, here are mine for June. I believe they represent my favourite reads very well.

Bach, Richard "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - 1970
A very positive yet very thought-provoking novel. I read this as a teenager, now more than 50 years ago, shortly after it was published. I think it would be a good book to read, it contributes to world and inner peace.

And, Neil Diamond wrote a soundtrack to the movie they made from this story. He is my favourite singer-songwriter ever.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" - 1852
One of the most tragic stories there ever was. Harriet Beecher Stowe has managed to
put a name to the people involved, she brings alive all those poor people who had no rights at all and who had no hope that anything would ever improve in their lives, that they and their loved ones would get away from a fate worth than death.

Maybe another good story to read these days.

Wiesel, Eli "Night" (F: La Nuit) - 1958
"And the world was silent" is the translation for the yiddish title: "Un di Velt Hot Geshvign" or better "and the world silented", although that is not correct in English. But "to be silent" it is a verb here. Yes, being silent is also taking an action. Elie Wiesel wrote this novel as a report about his life in the concentration camps Buchenwald and Auschwitz/Oswiecim. And he was write, many people silented then and many people silent today. Reading a book like this let's you never forget that opposing something evil is very important.

I wrote a long review because I read it with my book club. If you're at all interested in the topic, have a look.

Buck, Pearl S. "East Wind: West Wind" - 1930
Pearl S. Buck was my first "adult" author and I have loved her books ever since. I also came to love books about different worlds, worlds we will never get to know because they have long gone. Or they are too far to visit now.

I love the way Pearl S. Buck can explain the life in China, life in China during her lifetime, of course, I am well aware that it has changed a lot again. She has a wonderful way of explaining the Chinese way, almost in parables.

Honestly, I only looked for the titles of the books, not for their contents. But these are the kind of books I read frequently, so no suprise there.

And how would you spell JUNE?


  1. June sounds like an easy month to spell out in books until you start looking for titles that start with U and E. Well done!

    1. Haha, Lark, totally agree. I think most months have a challenge. Either, you've already used too many of that letter or it's such a rare one you can't find one. I was lucky this time.

  2. I've read the first and third books, and I especially agree with your thoughts about Night. Someday I need to read the other two on your list.

    1. Thanks, Deb. I'm surprised you haven't read Uncle Tom's Cabin, I always thought I was the last one to read it. But there is that old saying: Too many books, too little time.
