
Friday, 8 July 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"Dear book, take me away, far, far from here. Take me away from this cruel, cruel world. Take me away from hegemony and prejudice. Take me away from misogyny and hatred. Take me way from racism, narcissism, imperialism and consumerism and make me believe.

Make me believe that we don't all hate each other. That we don't want to wipe each other off the face of this earth. That we are trying our best to preserve this delicate rock we are precariously balanced upon and that maybe, just maybe there is some good in the world.

Dear book, take me away." Tom Banfield

If only. At this moment, I have the feeling that it gets worse every day and that there isn't a way to escape those cruel people even by the most wonderful books.

"The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense." Aldous Huxley

Another very true quote.

"Books are like medicine, good reading can cure a fool." Liu Xiang

Would be nice if the fools would read more. This world could be a better place.

Find more book quotes here


  1. "Dear book take me away." YES! I totally relate to that quote. :)

    1. So true, Lark. And they so often do. Which is great. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Replies
    1. Definitely, Emma. I believe we need it now more than ever.
      Have a nice weekend.

  3. Great quotes. Like especially Huxley's.

    1. So do I, Lisbeth. He was a great man with lots of insight.
      Have a nice weekend.

  4. If only we could get the fools ot read the words, and comprehend them, and understand *sigh*

    1. You are right, Sarah. That would be great. The key word there is "education", I believe.

    2. Yep. But of course, teachers are the enemy, so... *eyeroll*

  5. Yes, Sarah. How dare you infiltrate those kids and make them think?
