
Friday, 21 October 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"Reading was a joy, a desperately needed escape - I didn’t read to learn, I was reading to read." Christian Bauman

That is something I have tried to tell many parents, if your child loves reading, they can learn everything. Doesn't every reader have those moments?

"Although it's clear that some books are better than others by any objective standard, literature isn't algebra. Two people can have wildly different opinions about a book and both be right." Chris Bojhalian

Anyone who is a member of a good book club will second that.

"A child educated only at school, is an uneducated child." George Santayana

Very true. So sad for those kids who don't learn anything at home, where the parents think that is only for school. Often, these kids are not prepared for school and will learn even less than the others. 

Find more book quotes here.


  1. These are lovely. It's always amazing to me how much opinions on books can vary, even among people who are close friends.

    1. That is part of the beauty, I believe, Deb. And we can learn from each other, no matter whether we like or dislike a book.

  2. "Literature isn't algebra." Love it. And I couldn't agree more. We all respond differently to the same book.

    1. Well, Lark, algebra always has only one truth, a book has so many. And that's just wonderful.

  3. Oh, I love that Bohjalian quote! I have always hated math and maybe that's why. It's too literal. Ha ha.

    1. Ha, Susan, there finally is something we don't agree about. I used to love math. But, contrary to most who loved it, I also loved languages. Which, of course, led me to books.
