
Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Happy March!

 Happy March to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch


Hanka and Frank say to this picture:
And it's spring again. Everything starts again. I actually like all seasons, even November has its charm. But now, in March, when the days are getting longer and the first early bloomers are peeking out of the ground, then something is happening to us Northerners.

(Und schon wieder ist Frühling. Alles auf Anfang. Ich mag eigentlich alle Jahreszeiten, selbst der November hat seinen Reiz. Aber jetzt, im März, wenn die Tage länger werden und die ersten Frühblüher aus der Erde schauen, dann macht das was mit uns Nordländern.)

Read more here.

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February is always quite short. Mmmh, maybe that's because it only has 28 days in most years. We still managed to fit in a few visits to the theatre and play a couple of games with friends and family.

Do you like to play board games or card games? Which ones are your favourites?

The ones you see here are called So Kleever! (So Clover!), Pictures and KrazyPix.

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Have a happy March with this beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch.

You can find many more wonderful pictures on their website here.

You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about them. 


  1. I was recently introduced to a game called "Chameleon". In it, all the players but one receive a topic, and then do word association based on that topic in ways that are relevant to it, but not overtly revealing. For instance, for the topic of "Red Riding Hood", players might say 'Girl', 'cloak', 'woods'. ("Big bad wolf" would be too obvious, though.) One player doesn't know the topic, though, and has to bluff. They have to 'blend in' by throwing out a word that is relatable to the others, and hope it has some connection to the topic. After the first round, players vote on who they think is faking. It's a fun party game that's completely clean. :)

    1. That also sounds very interesting. A little bit like "Just One" which we also love where all know the subject but the person who has to guess it. Everyone writes a word that could lead to the topic like "girl", "cloak" etc. but if one of the words is repeated, it gets eliminated totally. So you don't want to be too specific.

  2. I love to play both board games and card games! My family gets together once a month for a family game night. We play everything from Splendor to Wingspan. Some of my favorite games are Small World, Star Realms, 10 Days in Africa and Sushi-Go. :D Happy March!

    1. I haven't heard of any of those games, Lark. I will have to rexplore. Thanks.

  3. Beautiful flowers! We are waiting for the next snowstorm to come through. I don't know those two games, I need to look them up!

    1. Actually, I mentioned three but only put up a collage of two of them, sorry, I mixed up my pictures. I hope you will enjoy one of them, Eva.

    2. I have to ask my siblings if they have ever played them.

    3. If they haven't and like these sort of games, I can highly recommend them all.

  4. Beautiful water colour and text. I went for a walk today, the sun was shining, still a little bit cold, be there was something of spring in the air. So nice.
    I don't play a lot of board games anymore. We play Uno sometimes, that is fun. In younger days I enjoyed Monopoly and Alphapet. It is a good way to spend your evening though.
    Enjoy March.

    1. Definitely a great way to spend an evening with friends and family, Lisbeth. We used to play a lot, before the children, with the children, when the children left home. We still play with them when the come. Just love it. I don't know "Alphabet" but can imagine that it is similar to our "Stadt, Land, Fluss ..."

  5. Sorry, after Eva's comment, I noticed that I'd put up the wrong picture. Now, the correct one is there.

  6. We love getting together with my husband's aunt's family to play cards. Our favorites are Dilbert Corporate Shuffle (also called Scum and The Great Dalmuti), SkyJo, Skull King, and Cover Your Assets.

    1. I've heard of the great Dalmuti, but we don't play many card games. The others, no idea at all, so I'll have to google for them. Thanks, Susan.

    2. My girls like Skyjo, but I have never played it.

    3. I never even heard of it. But maybe it has another name in Germany, happens often.

    4. I have never seen it in Germany, but I don't really go looking for games when I go back :).
