
Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books for People Who Like Barbara Kingsolver


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week, our topic is Books for People Who Like Author X.

I have done lists from certain genres but I don't think I ever started with one author. Still, even though there are several I could have chosen, in the end, I decided to go for Barbara Kingsolver because I believe she is well known and well loved, so a good starter. She is a great author who tackles many different topics but is always highly interesting.

Kingsolver, Barbara "The Lacuna" - 2009
Allende, Isabel "Island Beneath the Sea" (E: La isla bajo el mar) - 2010
Chevalier, Tracy "The Virgin Blue" - 1997
Fredriksson, Marianne "Hanna's Daughters" (S: Anna, Hanna og Johanna) - 1994
Grenville, Kate "The Secret River" - 2005
Hansen, Dörte "This House is Mine" (GE: Altes Land) - 2015
Hislop, Victoria "The Thread" - 2011
Lawson, Mary "Crow Lake" - 2002
Oates, Joyce Carol "The Falls" - 2004
Proulx, Annie "The Shipping News" - 2003
Turner, Nancy E. "These is my Words" (Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy #1) - 1999

As you can see by the links, I have read several books by most of the authors. In the cases where I haven't they have not written that many books. Yet, I hope.

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. Ooh, this is an intriguing list. I used to read a lot of her books.


    1. Thanks, Lydia. I hope you found a few other authors you might want to try.

  2. I'm yet to try Barbara Kingsolver, but I do have at least one of her books. I am a BIG fan of Tracy Chevalier though... Oh, and I just picked up my first Isabel Allende yesterday!

    1. I'm not surprised you like Tracy Chevalier. She is fantastic. I am sure you will like the two others, as well.

  3. I loved Kingsolver's books. It's nice to have some more ideas of what to read similar to hers.

    1. Thanks, Deanna. I hope you will find another new author you like.

  4. This is a neat list! I haven't read any of the books, but they soud interesting.

    My TTT:

    1. Maybe you will get to try one of them one day, Nicole. Thanks for your link.

  5. I actually haven't read her yet!! On my list..

    1. I highly recommend her, Jo. Thanks for the link.

  6. Fun idea for this week's TTT! I've read and enjoyed several books by Kingsolver. I really like Tracy Chevalier's books, too. And that Mary Lawson book on your list is one I want to check out.

    1. Ohh, I hope you will get to it soon, Lark. We just read it in our local book club (me for the third or fourth time) and everyone liked it. Enjoy.

  7. Nice list! I have The Lacuna in my 'tbr' pile, but I have been putting it off for other books instead.

    1. While I love everything by Barbara Kingsolver, it is not a coincidence that I chose this one, it's an absolutely wonderful book. Thanks, Lisa.

  8. I've read at least one book by Kingsolver, but it's been a long time so I don't remember which one. I probably need to read more of hers. Same goes for Isabel Allende. I've read DAUGHTERS OF FORTUNE (might be the wrong title), but that's it.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I can heartily recommend all of their books, Susan. Enjoy.
