
Friday, 1 March 2024

Happy March!

   Happy March to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch

"Guten Morgen neuer Tag"
"Good Morning New Day

Hanka says to this picture:
Every morning - between the starry sky and sunrise - I go out with our dog. ... of course the birds also welcome the first rays of sunshine. Frank was in the right place at the right time and took a photo of the sparrow checking the situation from its nesting box early in the morning.

Jeden Morgen - zwischen Sternenhimmel und Sonnenaufgang - bin ich mit unserem Hund unterwegs. … natürlich begrüßen auch die Vögel die ersten Sonnenstrahlen. Frank war zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort und hat den Spatz, der aus seinem Nistkasten am frühen Morgen die Lage checkte, fotografiert.
(see here)

And Hanka then beautifully immortalized it on her drawing pad Enjoy!

Read more on their website here. *

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Spring has sprung. Not officially but after our mild winter, this is definitely the beginnning of the next season. I doubt I can wear it much longer, so here is a picture of the scarf my son gave me for Christmas last year. Isn't it beautiful?

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It's still theatre time. There are a lot of amateur groups in our district and so we had quite a few theatre plays in our calendar. Wonderful.

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The German word for March is März. The old German word is Lenzing or Lenzmond. Lenz is the old German word for spring.

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* You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about the two artists. 

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🌷 I wish you all a Happy March! 🌷


  1. Good to see that Spring is slowly edging towards us - maybe it'll stop raining a bit now... [grin]

    LOVE the scarf!!

    1. Who knows? We will have to endure whatever comes, anyway. Happy March, Kitten!

  2. Happy March to you as well!

    1. Thanks, Tina. I hope you'll have a great one.

  3. That's a cute little watercolor sparrow. And happy March! I hope it's a good month for all. :D

    1. Thanks, Lark. And nice that you like the picture. I really like the paintings by both the artists, that's why I've had their calendar for ages now.

  4. Such a fun scarf! Love it. Our winter has been super mild, too. But climate change is a hoax, right? *eye roll*

  5. Not sure if my comment went to spam or got eaten by blogger, but the scarf is so cute. And winter was so mild here also, it's almost like climate change isn't a hoax after all...

    1. Yes, Sarah, as you can see, your comment went to spam. I have no idea why they always do that. If they are so advanced, they should know that you and I talk frequently.
      Haha, I've heard that before by people when people said that about snow in winter and denied global warming because of that. Unfortunately, we will all have to suffer from that in the long run and I don't envy our children who will have to bear the brunt of it.

    2. Oh, and happy March, of course!

    3. Yes! And people don't understand the climate change means that summers AND winters will be worse, as will hurricanes and tornados. This isn't difficult. But with temps warming, winters will still be shorter. So frustrating.

    4. Unfortunately, Sarah, what people don't want to understand, they won't understand. And some are better influenced than others.

    5. Oh I know, I am living through it every day in this stupid state surrounded by idiots.

    6. I think you understand it much, much better than most. Sorry, Sarah.

  6. Beautiful scarf! Our winter has not been mild, but next week is supposed to get warmer. Our birds think spring is coming, though. They chirp, and chirp, and chirp. But nesting like in your pretty picture? Not yet :).

    1. I know, Eva, I've seen your pictures. Let's hope your spring will be nice then. And that you'll have a good March.
      My boys know that they can always make me smile with a bookish-related present.

    2. Today was warm and sunny in the morning and early afternoon. Now it is cold and rainy again. So nice your boys know what you like.

    3. Well, they've known me all their lives. LOL
      And spring has finally arrived here.

    4. Of course, but sometimes older children "forget" what their parents like. Winter has come back here. It is -9 right now.

    5. Some parents also don't let their kids know what they like and say "I don't need anything". Sure, we have everything we need by now but there are always things we would like.

  7. Thank you all for your comments. And have a happy March!!!

  8. What a great scarf, fantastic. I have never seen anything like it. Will fit perfectly for spring. I take your word for it and hope spring is on its way. Schönen März.

    1. Thanks, Lisbeth. I know he found it on the internet, they are both forever searching for stuff like that.
      Same to you. Ha en bra mars.
