
Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Happy May!

  Happy May to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch

"Frühling an der Steilküste von Klein Zicker"
"Spring on the Cliffs in Klein Zicker"

Frank says to this picture:
It's always exciting to paint landscapes on the Baltic Sea in plein air, to feel the wind and the sun on your skin and to experience how the Baltic Sea waves crash onto the beach."
"Es ist immer wieder spannend Landschaften an der Ostsee plein air zu malen, den Wind und die Sonne auf der Haut zu spüren und zu erleben, wie die Ostseewellen an den Strand laufen."

Read more on their website here. *

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There is a German folk song called "Der Mai ist gekommen". (May has arrived/come.) It tells us more or less to not stay at home with worries because the treses are budding and the world is wonderful.

If you are interested, here is the song on Wikipedia.
And most Germans take that song to heart and go on a "Maitour", a walk or a bike tour on the first of May which also happens to be a bank holiday. Tag der Arbeit = Labour Day.
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We had an early excursion, we went to Bremerhaven with my brothers and their wives. We try to do a siblings outing once a year and have seen many interesting places so far. Here is a picture:
Bremerhaven is not too far from us. It is located at the Weser estuary and belongs to the city-state of Bremen. With 115,000 inhabitants it is only #69 of the largest cities in Germany but it is one of the busiest ports in the country.

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The old German word for May is Winnemond. "Winne" was the name given to driving the cattle out to pasture.

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* You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about the two artists. 

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🌳🌳 I wish you all a Happy May!🌳🌳


  1. Happy May Day! In the US we celebrate Labor Day in September because 'workers' solidarity? What's that" and we mostly use it to buy things. Actually, every holiday is a "BUY STUFF!!' holiday here. -_- Going on a bike tour sounds wonderful!

    1. I don't think most people who go on a tour think about Labour Day. But there are also rallies by the parties and labour unions to remind us of that. And they have done a lot for the workers over here.

  2. Happy May Day! No holiday for me today. But I love the idea of a siblings outing once a year.

    1. I know it's not a holiday everywhere, Lark. But many countries celebrate Labour Day.
      And the siblings outing can be anytime when we all are free. The kids are welcome to join when they have time, this year, it was just us "seniors".

  3. I love the idea of a Maitour. Enjoy!
    May 1st is "la fête du travail" in France, and we traditionally offer "muguet", lily of the valley

    1. It's definitely a nice idea, Emma. And I got two pictures with muguets yesterday, one from my son in Brussels and one from my French penfriend of 50+ years.

  4. Happy May! Pretty picture and lovely trip to Bremerhaven. Did you go to the Auswanderungsmuseum and/or Klimahaus? We love this song for May.

    1. Thanks, Eva. We went to both. I'll tell you all about it in my next e-mail, if I ever get that far. LOL
      I have never heard of that song, so thanks for letting me know.

    2. Good! I was at both once. The Klimahaus was interesting, but a bit too crowded for my taste (and some of the displays were broken). You need a lot of time for the Auswanderungshaus. One visit is not enough.

    3. I totally agree. I had some other issues with the Klimahaus. I went with my sister-in-law because we both needed to avoid the stairs. The sign-posting was impossible and we often lost the group.
      And yes, I definitely want to go to the latter again. It was SOOOO interesting. They also have one in Hamburg which is also great and they totally complement each other.

    4. Oh, I don't remember getting lost, but I did find it a bit confusing where things were. I think you can do research in the Auswanderungshaus. Some of Peter's ancestors left via Bremerhaven.

    5. Hamburg would also be a fascinating museum to visit.

    6. The others didn't have a problem, either. It was only for those who couldn't take the stairs and had to find other means, that was not signposted at all.
      And yes, you can do research in Bremerhaven as well as in Hamburg. They are both totally different and complement each other wonderfully. It would certainly be a good thing for you to visit next time you're in Germany.
      Have a good day, Eva.
