
Saturday, 1 June 2024

Happy June!

  Happy June to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch
"Blick auf die Diskobucht - Ein Grönland Aquarell"
"View of Disko Bay - A Greenland Watercolour"

Hanka says to this picture:
Greenland has an incredibly fascinating landscape. The largest island on earth awaits us with beautiful fjords, calving glaciers, rough rock faces and - what I never thought possible - a sea of flowers in summer."
"Grönland hat eine unglaublich faszinierende Landschaft. Die größte Insel der Erde erwartet uns mit wunderschönen Fjorden, kalbenden Gletschern, rauen Felswänden und - was ich überhaupt nicht für möglich gehalten habe - einem Blumenmeer im Sommer."

Read more on their website here. *

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May is a beautiful month. And we had the loveliest weather. Some thunderstorms but not too bad. And we need the rain for our harvest.
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We visited a lovely concert by a great German musician, Götz Alsmann. He mixes modern music with Jazz. He presented his newest album which is not for sale, yet, and there isn't anything on the net, either. So, have a look and a listen here for one of his older performances: L.I.E.B.E.

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Our book club read this month was "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller" (I: Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore) by Italo Calvino. It is one of my favourite books, not an easy one, but totally interesting. Unfortunately, my book club didn't share my enthusiasm.
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May is also the month when my favourite flower is in bloom: the peony. Here is a picture from this year:
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The old German word for June is Brachmond. 
Brache is the German word for fallow. In the crop rotation of the Middle Ages, work on the fallow land began this month.
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* You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about the two artists. 

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🌞 I wish you all a Happy June! 🌞


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lectrice. My absolute favourite flower. And I am lucky to have several colours in our garden.

  2. Thanks for the re-cap, as always you seem to have been busy. I hope you are not so affected by the terrible flooding in the south.
    I agree with your book mates about Calvino.
    Peonies also my favourite flowers. They mean summer for me.

    1. Thanks for the thought, Lisbeth. We have no flooding here and hubby's family, who lives in the south, have had a lot of rain but no flooding. But I have friends in the South who now have to go through this the second time in just a couple of years. Awful.

      That's definitely a reason to like peonies. Yes, it usually starts the summer. I have a rose that looks almost like peonies and flowers a lot longer, of course. And it smells beautifully. It was a present by my brothers and their wives when we moved here and the name is "Marianne". Isn't that sweet?

  3. We've had tons of thunderstorms and flooding in May and more coming here in June. Flash flooding has been awful. The last week of school, a colleague was heading home from the gym to get ready for work and a flash flood happened. Her car started floating in 4 feet of water and she had to crawl out the window. It was terrifying.

    1. That sounds awful. We never had any kind of natural desasters in Germany. But with the "non-existing" climate change, lots of things like that appear. We are lucky to live in a (still) quiet area.

    2. Downtown Omaha is also right on a major river, so flooding is pretty common in major storms. Flash floods are terrifying because they just come out of no where and there's no way to plan/avoid them when they happen.

    3. I know there have always been locations where it was "normal" to have floods but we never did in Germany.

  4. I have tried reading 'If on a winter nights a traveller' and I guess I wasn't the right reader because I didn't really like it and I don't recall why but I did like the title.

    Peonies are such pretty flowers.

    It's a bit late but I hope you have a lovely June.

    1. Better late than never, Lissa. We still have 24 days of June to go.

      Don't worry about "If on a winter's night ...", I had suggested it to my book club because I really loved it but neither of them did. I was sorry for that but not every book is for everybody.

      And peonies, definitely my favourite.
