
Monday, 16 September 2024

Bythell, Shaun "Remainders of the Day"

Bythell, Shaun "Remainders of the Day: More Diaries from The Bookshop, Wigtown" - 2022

I absolutely love Shaun Bythell's books about his shop and his customers, his clients and his friends. I had already read his former ones and this is just as great.

So, this is certainly one of the best books I read this year. Shaun Bythell's humour is one of the greatest. I hope he will write a new book soon.

Here are some examples:

"Some people (so we're told) don't read. What unfulfilling lives they lead."
I couldn't agree more.

And his favourite from the book "Nil Desperandum, a Dictionary of Latin Tags and Phrases":
"Timeo hominem unius libri." - "I fear the man of one book!"
We definitely should!

A sixteenth century Spanish curse:
"For him that stealeth this book, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him."

Book description:

"After twenty years running The Bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland, Shaun Bythell's life has settled into a mostly comfortable routine; days spent roaming between the shelves, poetry nights by the fire, frequent drop-ins from friends with gossip.

But while customers come and go - whether or not they’ve paid - there’s never a quiet moment in The Bookshop. Apart from the usual stream of die-hard trainspotters, antiquarian porn collectors and toddlers looking for somewhere cosy to urinate, Shaun still must contend with his employees’ increasingly eccentric habits, the mayhem of the Wigtown Book Festival and the shock of the town’s pub changing hands.

Warm and witty, with Shaun’s iconic mix of deadpan humour and grouchy charm, Remainders of the Day is the latest in his bestselling diary series."


  1. Sounds FUN. I'll look out for his books. Thanks.

    1. I think you will love it, Kitten. Many people complained that he was too grumpy but as a book lover, we all totally understand him.

  2. I love books like this! And his sound particularly fun. :D

  3. A favourite of mine as well. Have to look for the last one. He is so funny, and being among books all the time, I envy him his job sometimes.

    1. So do we all, I guess, Lisbeth. But I know I couldn't do it. I have worked with books as a volunteer and it does ask for a lot of physical strength.
      But it's always nice to dream, right?

    2. That is true. We have to have our dreams even if we know they will never come true. Because, without dreams life is boring.

    3. So true. As it is without books.
