
Thursday, 14 May 2015

Photo ABC

I am a member of a photo group where we get a prompt for every day and have to take an appropriate picture. Because we had the alphabet one month, I decided to do a book theme.

I always added either the link to my blog or to the books. I have decided to post a picture every week so my booky friends can enjoy them, as well.

F is for ... Fantasy. 


Certainly one of the most successful fantasy story of all times.
Tolkien, J.R.R. "The Lord of the Rings"

All the books I read that belong only remotely to the "fantasy" category can be found here.


  1. I liked the first book in the series, found the second one a tough slog, but made it through, did not read the third. I enjoy fantasy as a genre and read quite a bit of it.

    1. I didn't read either of them, I read The Hobbit years and years ago and have known ever since that fantasy is not for me. These are my son's books.

      Have a good weekend,
