
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2015

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here

June 30: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2015

This was an easy one, well, not sooo easy, after all, I had to throw out a few. I read a trilogy in that time-frame and listed all three books as one because it really should be read as one. So, I didn't cheat. Well, not really. Hope my friends will like some of them, as well.

Azevedo, Francisco "Once Upon a Time in Rio" (O Arroz de Palma) - 2008


  1. I'm half way through Ken Follett's Fall of Giants, love everything Jhumpa Lahiri has written, haven't read any of the others.

  2. If you like Ken Follett and Jhumpa Lahiri, you will definitely like quite a few of the others. Joyce Carol Oates is one of my favourite authors, Thomas Mann is my favourite German classic author and I have read "Buddenbrooks" quite a few times in several decades. I'd also recommend Jane Smiley to you, especially this one, I'm sure you'll love it. Ann Patchett, I've read another book by her that I didn't enjoy very much but this one was so great. Wally Lamb, he writes "sad" literature, I'd say but he writes great. Francisco Azevedo, this was his first book by him that I read but really loved it. Charlotte Roth is quite famous in Germany but, unfortunately, has not been translated into English. Yet, I hope.

    Happy reading,

  3. Ooh I'm very interested in Charlotte Roth! What kind of books does she write? I study German so I'd be interested to check her out. And the other authors you mention look great too! Great list! Here's my TTT if you're interested!
    Rachel :)

    1. Thank you so much for giving me the link to your blog. It is very interesting and I saw a lot of familiar books, so hopefully you will like these.

      Charlotte Roth is a German journalist who lives in London. Her first book "Als wir unsterblich waren" (When we were immortal, not translated, either) describes part of her own story. A girl grown up in the GDR and a guy grown up in the FRG meet in Berlin on the day the wall falls. The author describes both their lives before and after. Highly interesting if you like to read about historical things.

      The second book "Als der Himmel uns gehörte" [When heaven belonged to us] is situated both in London in 2012 and in Berlin in 1936 and describes two women who are related and who both compete in the respective Olympics. Again, very interesting if you like those topics. Charlotte Roth is one of her pseudonyms, she does write different kind of books under different names. Her real na,e is Charlotte Lyne.

      Hope you like those kind of books. I have a list of the German books I read here in this blog. You can ask me any time about any of the books I mentioned. If you love historical books, I highly recommend Stefanie Zweig.

      Have a good week and Happy Reading,
