
Friday, 4 January 2019

My Favourite Books 2018

Abarbanell, Stephan "Displaced" (Morgenland) - 2015
Abulhawa, Susan "The Blue Between Sky and Water" - 2015
Bánk, Zsuzsa "Schlafen werden wir später" [We will sleep later] - 2017
Dickens, Charles "David Copperfield" - 1850
Ephron, Nora "When Harry Met Sally ..." - 1990
Frazier, Charles "Varina" - 2018
Jason, David "Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost" - 2017
Kalisa, Karin "Sungs Laden" [Sung's Shop] - 2015

Kennedy, Emma "Shoes for Anthony" - 2015
Kerkeling, Hape "Der Junge muss an die frische Luft. Meine Kindheit und ich" [The boy needs some fresh air] - 2014
MacGregor, Neil "Germany. Memories of a Nation" - 2014

Montasser, Thomas "Das Glück der kleinen Augenblicke" [The happiness of the small moments] - 2017
Orth, Stephan "Couchsurfing in Russland. Wie ich fast zum Putin-Versteher wurde" [Couchsurfing in Russia: Friendships and Misadventures Behind Putin’s Curtain]  - 2017
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "The Labyrinth of the Spirits" (El laberinto de los espíritus - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #4) - 2016
Rutherfurd, Edward "Russka. The Novel of Russia" - 1991
Sansom, C.J. (Christopher John) "Dominion" - 2011
Schami, Rafik "The Dark Side of Love" (Die dunkle Seite der Liebe) - 2004
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "The Rising Dragon" (Am anderen Ende der Nacht) - 2016
Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - 1943

Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Anne Boleyn. A King's Obsession" - 2017


  1. Some of your favorites are some of mine: David Copperfield, Russka, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, though I read those in other years. I have Varina on my lists.

    1. I'm not really surprised. We do seem to have a very similar taste in books. I hope we'll inspire each other for many years to come.

  2. I recently re-read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and enjoyed it. I've been I'll so I haven't gotten around to my end of the year list.

    1. Glad you liked that one, too. I'm sorry to hear you've beeen ill. Same here, that's probably why we didn't hear from each other.

      Here's to a healther new year!
