
Monday, 14 January 2019

Statistics 2018

My statistics for the last years are here:
Going back to 2009-12, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017   

And these are the results of my reading lists for 2018:

* Statistics 2018 *

I read books that contributed to the following challenges:

100 Books by the BBC
This is an old challenge, I added two more book to the list.
2018 TBR Pile Reading Challenge
Another old challenge where the participants try to read as many books from their To Be Read Pile as possible. I managed 38 books that had been on that stack for a while.
Dutch and French Books
2 French books, 7 Dutch books this year.
Emma's Book Club - Our shared shelf
An ever growing list of books about and for women, a group started by Emma Watson (better known as Hermione Granger), UN Woman Goodwill Ambassador. I added one more book to that list.
German Books
Since German is my mother tongue and I can easily obtain books in that language, I read 37.
My Favourite Books Ever
Every year I find some more books I can add to my list of favourite books. 19 this year.
Nobel Prize Winners and Their Books
This is another list to which I could add seven more books.
Oscar Winning Books
I added four more books in this category.
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
Four books from authors in this category.
Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2018
I read 28 chunky books in 2018 of which 6 are considered a chunkster.
The "Piggybank" Challenge 2018
The 129 books I read this year resulted in €258 to spend on something nice.
Top Ten Tuesday
I didn't participate in this challenge this year, however, I managed to read 4 new books that I mentioned on those lists.
Travel the World Through Books
After reading the book "Die Ländersammlerin" [The collector of Countries] by Nina Sedano, I thought it would be great to read a book from every country in the world. I managed 82 until now, added four more this year: Albania, Belgium, Morocco and South Korea. If you have a good suggestion for those countries I haven't "visited", yet, please let me know.

Books Read: 129
Pages read: 43,752
339 pages/book, 120 pages/day, 10.75 books/month
The average novel contains between 140 and 320 pages, i.e. 230 = 190 "average" books in 2016

Books dating from which year:
Pre 1800s: 1
1800s: 4
1900-1949: 5
1950-1999: 27
2000s: 91 (7 of which from 2018)

Male Authors:74
Female Authors: 52
Both: 1

Nobel Prize Winners: 7

Fiction: 81
Non-Fiction: 45

Chunky Books - more than 450 pages: 28, more than 750: 6
Library: 15
Re-Read: 1
TBR Pile: 38

Oldest Book: 300 BC
Buddha "The Dhammapada. Verses on the Way" (धम्मपद), Buddhist text - ca. 300 BCE
Newest Book: 2018
Kingsolver, Barbara "Unsheltered" - 2018
Longest book: 1,232 pages
Kermani, Navid "Dein Name" [Your Name] - 2011 - 1,232 pages
Shortest book: 56 pages
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "Gaudí in Manhattan. Eine phantastische Erzählung" (La Mujer de Vapor) - 2009 - 56 pages
Longest book title: 32
Carnarvon, Countess Fiona of "Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey" - 2011
Shortest Book Title: 6
Feuchtwanger, Lion "Jud Süß" (Jew Suss) - 1925
Funniest Book:
Jason, David "Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost" - 2017
Saddest Book:
Briley, John "Cry Freedom: The Legendary True Story of Steve Biko and the Friendship that Defied Apartheid" - 1987

New authors (for me) that I would like to read more from: 14
Stephen Abarbanell, Christopher Bollen, Sabine Bode, Jenny Erpenbeck, David Jason, Karin Kalisa, Neil MacGregor, Thomas Montassser, Rafel Nadal, Pamela Olson, Stephan Orth, C.J. Sansom, Chika Unigwe, Martin Walser

Translated Books: 15 from 11 languages
3 from Spanish, 2 each from Catalan, Korean, 1 each from Albanian, Estonian, Hebrew, Icelandic, Norwegian, Russian, Sanscrit, Swedish
Books read in another language:
37 German, 7 Dutch and 2 French books this year.

Numbers in Book Titles: Three, Six
Place Names in Book Titles: America, American, Bosnia, Brooklyn, Burma, Deutsch, Deutschland, Downton Abbey, England, Germany, Hamburg, Highclere Castle, Jerusalem, Limpopo, Mândraga, Manhattan, Ostende, Palestine, Russka, Russia, Russland, Schweden, New York
Names in Book Titles: Almina, Anna, Anne Boleyn, Anthony, Brigitte, Clara Callan, David Coppperfield, Gaudí, Gustav, Harry, Jack, Jesus, Kafka, Less, Martens, Nelson Mandela, Ove, Palmisano, Peer Gynt, Sally, Sung, Süß, Tudor, Ulysses, Varina
Colours in Book Titles: Black, Blue, Golden

My Favourite Books: 19
Abarbanell, Stephan "Displaced" (Morgenland) - 2015
Abulhawa, Susan "The Blue Between Sky and Water" - 2015
Bánk, Zsuzsa "Schlafen werden wir später" [We will sleep later] - 2017
Dickens, Charles "David Copperfield" - 1850
Ephron, Nora "When Harry Met Sally ..." - 1990
Frazier, Charles "Varina" - 2018
Jason, David "Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost" - 2017
Kalisa, Karin "Sungs Laden" [Sung's Shop] - 2015
Kennedy, Emma "Shoes for Anthony" - 2015
Kerkeling, Hape "Der Junge muss an die frische Luft. Meine Kindheit und ich" [The boy needs some fresh air] - 2014
MacGregor, Neil "Germany. Memories of a Nation" - 2014
Montasser, Thomas "Das Glück der kleinen Augenblicke" [The happiness of the small moments] - 2017
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "The Labyrinth of the Spirits" (El laberinto de los espíritus - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #4) - 2016
Rutherfurd, Edward "Russka. The Novel of Russia" - 1991
Sansom, C.J. (Christopher John) "Dominion" - 2011
Schami, Rafik "The Dark Side of Love" (Die dunkle Seite der Liebe) - 2004
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Am anderen Ende der Nacht" (The Far Side of the Night) - 2016
Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - 1943

Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Anne Boleyn. A King's Obsession" - 2017

With my books, I visited places in the following countries:
Africa (9):
Botswana, Cameroon, Egypt, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan
Asia (14):
Afghanistan, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines, Russia, Syria, Vietnam
Europe (22):
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
North America (3):
Canada, Mexico, USA
South America (3):
Argentina, Suriname, Uruguay
Australia/Oceania (2):
Australia, New Zealand
Everywhere and Others (8 books):
Countries "visited" in total: 53

You may find some even greater statistics by better bloggers than me at "Stuck in a Book" and "Ready When You are, C.B.


  1. Congratulations on such impressive stats! You were so international in your reading. I hope to do more reading by authors from countries around the world this year. I did get some ideas from your reviews so I hope I find some you have not read and you can get ideas from me.

  2. Thank you. I live ina very international environment so our family has become quite international, as well. I always love exploring the world via books, so much to learn.

    I know I get ideas from you all the time, so no worries.
