
Friday, 27 March 2020

Book Quotes of the Week

Readers may be divided into four classes:
1. Sponges, who absorb all that they read and return it in nearly the same state, only a little dirtied.
2. Sand-glasses, who retain nothing and are content to get through a book for the sake of getting through the time.
3. Strain-bags, who retain merely the dregs of what they read.
4. Mogul diamonds, equally rare and valuable, who profit by what they read, and enable others to profit by it also. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I hope I belong to the fourth category.

"This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force." Dorothy Parker
Don't we all feel like that from time to time?

"There's a lot of poetry written nowadays, but there's not a scrap of good in any of it." Leo Tolstoy

"I was reading a book, 'The History of Glue'. I couldn't put it down." Tim Vine 😂🤣😂

Find more book quotes here.


  1. Great collection this week. I think I am at various times each one of those kinds of readers, though like you I try to belong to the fourth.

  2. I think the fourth does combine all of them anyway, you can't be an avid reader and read something "just for pleasure" from time to time that doesn't stay, right?
