
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

1.    My house is full of books, there isn't a single room without a book (no, not even the bathroom).
2.    My house is also full of book lover trinkets … mugs, little statues, bookends, bookmarks, totes, posters, candles, jewellery, keyrings, t-shirts, scarves, cushions, … You name it, I've got it.
3.    I take a book everywhere.
4.    I usually pack an extra bag just for books for going away, even if just for the weekend.
5.    I talk about books all the time.
6.    I prefer books to movies.
7.    I can't pass by a book shop without entering it.
8.    I can't leave a book shop without buying a book.
9.    I love words like Bibliognost (someone who knows books or bibliography), Bibliosmia (the smell or aroma of a good book), Librocubricultarist (someone who reads in bed), Logophile (lover of words), Tsundoku (the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piling it up together with other such unread books) etc. etc.
10.    I love book quotes, see here.


  1. Great list Marianne. I could have included several of these on my list as well. Your post is like a wormhole, I am off to check out your book quotes now.

    1. That's nice of you, I hope you found some you liked. I try to post some new ones every Friday.

      And I think we all could have included everything on the other lists. It's jsut what sprang to mind immediately.

    2. I was going to check out your TTT and see that you haven't blogged for a while. So, I'm even more grateful for you coming here and commenting. Many of my non-blogger friends just mention from time to time that they've checked. LOL

    3. And one more comment. I see that you are a former teacher from Windsor, Ontario. I had a lovely friend who was a teacher and she was from Windsor. Unfortunately, she passed away but she was one of the best (book) friends I ever had.

  2. Your bookish trinkets sound pretty cool.

    My TTT .

    1. Thanks, Lydia. Most of them are presents by people who don't know what else to give me. I even have one of those scarves with a novel on them, given by a dear book friend.

      Off to see your TTT now. ♥

  3. LOL on #1. The same is true at my house. Even the bathrooms have reading material available. You just never know when you might need something to read!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Definitely. One book I have in my guest bathroom - and it has been used and commented on often - is "Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn't" by John Atkinson.
      I can only recommend it. It's hilarious and such a great conversation starter.

      Will go and explore your TTT now.

  4. Happy Reading everyone. And thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments.

  5. I also prefer books to movies and TV in general.

    1. So do I.
      I prefer books to TV.

    2. Thanks for your visit and your comments. I always thought it's an age thing but I've found several young people who also said that. I know we're not alone because I often see people with books at the doctor and in other waiting situations. I always carry around the smallest of the books I'm reading at the moment. LOL

      Happy reading!

  6. I also can't pass by a book shop or a library without taking a look inside! Here is my TTT list.

    1. It's like an addiction, right? But reading is a lot less harmless than drinking alcohol or smoking, so why not. LOL

      Will head over to your page now.
