
Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Favourite (German) Independent Books

Das Lieblingsbuch der Unabhängigen = The Favourite Book of the Independents

While waiting for the announcement of the next Nobel Prize winner, I have another prize that is presented yearly.

There are book club chains and then there are the independent bookshops. In Germany, the independent ones are working together and pronounce their favourite book every year. They have done this sincd 2015. Some of their books are German, others are written in another language (but most of them have been translated into English). I have read only a few of those but will try to get the others and then report back.

[If they have not been translated into English, I have added a translation in brackets but they will probably give it another title once they publish an English edition.]

    2015 Dörte Hansen: "Altes Land" (This House is Mine)
    2016 Benedict Wells: "Vom Ende der Einsamkeit" (The End of Loneliness)
    2017 Mariana Leky: "Was man von hier aus sehen kann" (What You Can See from Here)
    2018 Francesca Melandri: "Alle, außer mir" (Sangue giusto) (Italian) [Right Blood or Everyone but me
    2019 Delia Owens: "Where the Crawdads Sing" (English)
    2020 Benjamin Myers "The Offing" (English) 
    2021 Ewald Arenz "Der große Sommer" [The Big Summer]
    2022 Bonnie Garmus "Lessons in Chemistry" (English) Goodreads
    2023 Caroline Wahl "22 Bahnen" [22 Lanes]
    2024 Bronsky, Alina "Pi mal Daumen" Goodreads 

You can always find the latest shortlist including all the recipients of the prize here.


  1. So many prizes these days. It is hard to keep up.

    1. I don't know why I never reacted to this. Maybe I didn't see it, it's hard to keep up with answers nowadays as blogger doesn't tell you anymore when you answered a comment.

      Anyway, you are so right. There are prizes that I follow and try to read (Nobel, Pulitzer), others that I stay away from (Booker is not often one that I like) but since this is just one every year and it's a German prize (though not necessarily by German writers, as you can see) that hasn't been around for that long, I will try to keep up with the list.

      Happy Reading.
