
Friday, 16 July 2021

Book Quotes of the Week

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." Elbert Hubbard

Even though I didn't care for his book, I totally agree with this. We all have our flaws, nobody is perfect. Having a friend who still likes you is the best!

"Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write." Annie Proulx

I totally agree. Even spelling gets better if you read a lot.

"A novel worth reading is an education of the heart. It enlarges your sense of human possibility, of what human nature is, of what happens in the world. It's creator of inwardness." Susan Sontag

You get to understand other people, other situations a lot better if you reflect on them and reading a book makes you do just that.

Find more book quotes here


  1. I totally agree with that Annie Proulx quote! And I like the Hubbard one, too. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark, it's always nice to see that others like the quotes I chose. I love thinking about them and every time I see a good one, it's time to think about my books.

      Have a nice weekend.

  2. Wow, so true. Love that first one too.

    1. Definitely, Greg. I've heard and used that sentence so often, never knew it was from Elbert Hubbard.

      Thanks for your visit.

  3. I love the quote about friends knowing who you are and loving you anyway. I am very blessed in that regard. My closest friends know what a hot mess I used to be in college and grad school, and know me now as a mom, and loved me through all of it! Some faded away and that's okay too; I know who my real friends are!

    1. So true, Sarah. We have met many lovely people over the years due to us moving around and having many colleagues who moved around. Some stayed, others forgot us the moment they left. And I still have friends from school even though I was away that much. Nice to know there are friends for life. Doesn't mean we can't make additional ones. Like here. ;)
      Have a great Sunday.

  4. Hi Marianne, I found this post from Brona and the second follow up post very helpful:

    1. Thank you, Carol. Since I follow Brona, I did see her post and I think I might even have copied it down. Now I have. LOL

      Funny that Brona has also done eleven years here before changing. I will have to think and see what I can do. My many migraines keep me from being too adventurous.

      In any case, thanks for coming by. I meant to comment on your very first post but that was closed and then I got distracted. Sorry.

      Happy Sunday.
