
Monday, 29 November 2021

Nonfiction November 2021 Week 5 New to My TBR #NonficNov 5

Week 5 (November 29-December 3): New to My TBR
Jaymi at The OC Book Girl


It’s been a month full of amazing non-fiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!


The last week is always both sad and joyful. Sad because Non-fiction November comes to an end. Joyful because we get to look at our TBR piles and see what books we have added lately. I must say, I tend to read the non-fiction books faster than the fiction ones, so there are not that many on my TBR pile but I still had a few to choose from.

Some of the books on my list have not been translated into English [translated title in square brackets and italics]. Yet, I hope. But there are still quite a few that are either English in the original or have been translated.
Ackroyd, Peter "Dominion: The History of England from the Battle of Waterloo to Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Volume V" - 2018 (Goodreads)
Bythell, Shaun "Confessions of a Bookseller" - 2019
Hawes, James "The Shortest History of Germany - A Retelling for Our Times" - 2017 (Goodreads)
Körner, Torsten "In der Männer-Republik. Wie Frauen die Politik eroberten" (GE) [In the men's republic: how women conquered politcs] - 2020 (Goodreads)
Orth, Stephan "Couchsurfing in Iran: Revealing a Hidden World" (GE: Couchsurfing im Iran - Meine Reise hinter verschlossene Türen) - 2015
Pamuk, Orhan"Manzaradan Parçalar: Hayat, Sokaklar, Edebiyat" (TR) [To Look Out the Window/Pieces from the View: Life, Streets, Literature] (German translation:Der Blick aus meinem Fenster) - 2008
Sadat, Jehan (جيهان السادات Dschihan as-Sadat) "A Woman of Egypt" - 1987 (Goodreads)
Westerteicher, Inga "Liebe Freundin: Briefe Berühmter Frauen" (GE) [Dear friend: letters from famous women] - 2000
Wickert, Ulrich "Frankreich muss man lieben, um es zu verstehen" (GE) [You have to love France to understand it] - 2017
Wood, Levison "Eastern Horizons. Hitchhiking the Silk Road" - 2017

For more information on Nonfiction November check here.


  1. A Woman of Egypt is really good; I have that one. :)

    1. Oh, nice. Thanks, Lark. Let's compare our experiences once we get to the books.

  2. Interesting list. Peter Ackroyd is always good. Your list really highlight the many different ways there is to view a country.

    1. True, Lisbeth. I hadn't realized that most of those books are about a country. But that's what I'm most interested in, so maybe not that surprising.

  3. Your book lists are always impressive and ambitious! Well done!

  4. Thank you, Carol. I'm glad you enjoy them and I hope I can inspire other readers to read some of the books I loved.
